How to Fry With Butter

 by Joshua McCarron

Most people recognize that frying food is not the healthiest preparation method. You can make fried foods a little lighter by frying in canola or vegetable oil. However, for browning and flavor, butter is usually the first choice.

Most people recognize that frying food is not the healthiest preparation method. You can make fried foods a little lighter by frying in canola or vegetable oil. However, for browning and flavor, butter is usually the first choice. Frying foods in butter can pose a challenge because butter has a low smoke point and can burn quickly, which will ruin your dish. Health-care professionals advise people to limit the frequency with which you fry foods in butter. When you do, though, follow a few basic guidelines to keep your dish tasty.

Step 1

Preheat skillet or frying pan to a medium-low to medium heat before adding the butter. Never fry with butter on high heat.

Step 2

Add enough butter to coat the bottom of your pan once it's melted but not more unless your recipe calls for it.

Step 3

Swirl the butter around the pan as it melts and add your food once it has melted but before it begins to turn brown.

Step 4

Combine the butter with canola or vegetable oil in a 2-to-1 ratio for foods that may require a little more heat or cooking time. This way you get the flavor of the butter without it burning.


Per tablespoon, butter has roughly 100 calories, with 11 g of fat and 7 g of saturated fat. Canola and vegetable oil are both around the 120 calorie mark per tablespoon, with about 14 g of fat and 1.5 g of saturated fat.


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