Nosebleed in a Newborn

 by Janet Renee, MS, RD

Bringing your baby home is a joyful and exciting experience. You need to monitor your newborn closely so that you can act quickly if she experiences a health problem. Nosebleeds in newborns are fairly common and typically relent following simple measures.

Bringing your baby home is a joyful and exciting experience. You need to monitor your newborn closely so that you can act quickly if she experiences a health problem. Nosebleeds in newborns are fairly common and typically relent following simple measures. However, if your newborn experiences heavy bleeding that continues despite intervention, call your pediatrician immediately. It might be a sign of a more serious problem.


Newborns have particularly delicate blood vessels in their nose that can break easily, according to Benjamin Spock, author of "Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care." Most nosebleeds have harmless causes such as sneezing or allergies. For some babies, the air is too dry, which can lead to a nosebleed. A humidifier helps prevent recurrent nosebleeds in this instance. Newborns sometimes cause nosebleeds by sticking a finger into their nose.


Infant nosebleeds are rarely serious, according to the University of Minnesota Medical Center. However, intervention is necessary to control the bleeding. Hold your baby upright, with his head leaning forward to prevent blood from draining into the throat area. Use your thumb and forefinger to delicately apply pressure to the soft part of the nose. Hold it there for five to 10 minutes so that a clot can form.


After your newborn experiences a nosebleed, the blood vessels in the nose need time to heal. This can take several days, explains the UMMC. During this time, your baby is more vulnerable to nosebleeds, so extra care is necessary. To reduce the risk of your infant experiencing another nosebleed, avoid touching or blowing his nose for several days.

Medical Attention

In rare instances, a more serious condition can cause your infant's nose to bleed, such as a blood-clotting disorder, explains Spock. Infections are another cause and are usually accompanied by a fever. Seek immediate medical attention if your newborn experiences a heavy nosebleed that doesn't stop. Call your pediatrician if your baby experiences frequent nosebleeds that last longer than normal.

Hand Covers

Newborn hand covers are soft mittens most commonly made of cotton. They go over your baby's hands and are designed to prevent newborns from scratching themselves, which helps protect their sensitive skin. Newborn sleeper clothing with hand covers attached are widely available. You can find single hand-cover sets also. Newborn hand covers can prevent your baby from scratching inside of her nose while it heals.


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