Natural Ways to Shrink Tonsils

 by Nicki Wolf

Tonsils, the lymph nodes at the back of the mouth and top of the throat, assist with filtering bacteria and other microorganisms out of the body to stop infections. Bacterial or viral infection may cause tonsils to swell from inflammation, and may create symptoms such as sore throat and fever.

Tonsils, the lymph nodes at the back of the mouth and top of the throat, assist with filtering bacteria and other microorganisms out of the body to stop infections. Bacterial or viral infection may cause tonsils to swell from inflammation, and may create symptoms such as sore throat and fever. Home remedies to shrink tonsils can help avoid a trip to the doctor's office. Gargling, treatment with ice and Ayurvedic solutions are effective homeopathic solutions to swollen tonsils. If swollen tonsils persist more than a few days, seek professional medical assistance.


PennState Children's Hospital recommends gargling with salt water as an effective home remedy to shrink the tonsils. Ayurvedic treatments include gargles containing Flowers of Banaphsha, chamomile tea with lemon and honey, purified alum or fenugreek seeds.


Icing the throat may benefit swollen tonsils. Ice wrapped in a cloth and held at the site of the inflammation for several minutes may reduce the size of tonsils, as well as offer the added benefit of numbing the pain. Ice may give only temporary relief as a home remedy.

Ayurvedic Treatments

In addition to Ayurvedic gargles, other herbal solutions are thought to cure tonsillitis by decreasing the size of the lymph nodes. These home remedies include drinking raw carrot, beet, and cucumber juices in the ratio of 3:1:1. Licking warm lemons treated with salt and pepper might also help.


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