Natural Ways to Remove Earwax

 by Erin Monahan

Some ear wax is necessary to protect the skin of the ear canal from infection, as well as to protect the inner parts of the ear from debris and insects which can get caught in the sticky substance. In general, ear wax takes care of itself, moving throughout the ear canal when necessary through jaw movements.

Some ear wax is necessary to protect the skin of the ear canal from infection, as well as to protect the inner parts of the ear from debris and insects which can get caught in the sticky substance. In general, ear wax takes care of itself, moving throughout the ear canal when necessary through jaw movements. However, if the wax in your ears becomes unsightly or impairs hearing, it's necessary to remove it. Removal should not be attempted with a cotton swab, though, since that will push the wax further into the ear and possibly adhere it to your ear drum. There are commercial drops and kits that can be purchased to clean the ears, but it's something you can easily do at home, too.

Oil and Irrigate

Warmed baby oil or olive oil poured into the ear with an eye dropper can soften wax that is plugging the ear canal. Put a small amount of oil in the affected ear twice a day for seven days. Then use a bulb syringe to gently irrigate the ear canal. Have someone help you by holding a small dish under your ear, so you'll be able to see if any debris is washed out, or do this over a sink. You may experience temporary dizziness if the water is cold or you squirt it into your ear forcefully.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Squirt a dropper full of hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal and wait about five minutes. Flush with water. You may feel the hydrogen peroxide bubbling a little as it reacts to the bacteria in your ear.


Ear candling draws wax and toxins from the ear canal by inserting the unlit end of a hollow, lit candle into the ear canal, creating a vacuum. Practitioners warn that it shouldn't be done at home alone, as it can be dangerous working with the flame, but that in general the process is safe. Proponents say that candling can treat everything from earaches and sinus problems, to chronic coughs.


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