How to Give the Nose Moisture Without Saline Spray

 by April Khan

A dry nose causes itching, burning and sometimes bleeding. Although there are several causes for dry nose, there are limited remedies in combating the dryness.

A dry nose causes itching, burning and sometimes bleeding. Although there are several causes for dry nose, there are limited remedies in combating the dryness. Saline nasal spray is one of the main ways to combat dry nose; however, if you wish to avoid using it, there are other ways to promote more moisture in your nose.

Increase Your Fluid Intake

Staying hydrated promotes regular mucus production. The current guideline is to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, which can include tea and juice. However, during hotter months you should drink more water than juice, since consuming too much sugar can promote dehydration. If your dry nose is caused by dehydration, you may also experience dry mouth, increased thirst, dry skin, decreased urine output, constipation or dizziness.

Increase Humidity

One way to promote mucus production in your nose is to keep the air around you humid by using a humidifier. One type of humidifier called a vaporizer promotes humidity by boiling water and releasing the steam through a vent or a hole at the top of the vaporizer. Some vaporizers also have a compartment to add liquid decongestants. Making your environment more humid can prevent your nostrils from becoming dry during months in which there is little humidity. Make sure to clean your humidifier on a regular basis, as mold and bacteria can grow inside of the machine and the mold spores may be released with the mist.

Over-the-Counter Moisturizers

If you want to avoid using saline nasal spray, you can use over-the-counter rub-in moisturizers. These moisturizers are formulated to quickly relieve dryness in your nasal passage. If you can't find rub-in moisturizers you can also use water-based lubricants. Place the lubricant in your nostril by squirting a small bit on a cotton swab and rubbing it inside your nostrils. Be careful not to go too far back in your nostril as this can irritate the lining and cause bleeding. If you have petroleum jelly at home, you can rub a bit of it in your nose for relief; however, using petroleum jelly in your nose for prolonged periods can cause lung problems.

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications may be used to increase moisture in your nose. Liposomal nasal spray (LipoNasal), nasal ointment with dexpanthenol (Bepanthen) and spray containing NaCL (Rhinomer) are examples of these medications.


Check the side effects of any medications you are taking as some can cause dehydration or reduce mucus production. If medication is the culprit, consult your physician, who may change your prescription. If you experience a nosebleed along with nose dryness, contact your physician.


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