Clavamox Drops Side Effects

 by Rae Uddin

Clavamox Drops (amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium) is a prescription medication indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections in cats and dogs. This medication works by preventing bacteria from replicating and spreading throughout your pet’s body.

Clavamox Drops (amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium) is a prescription medication indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections in cats and dogs. This medication works by preventing bacteria from replicating and spreading throughout your pet's body. Clavamox Drops are administered orally and can cause minor side effects in certain cats or dogs.


After giving your dog or cat a dose of this medication, your pet may feel nauseous or begin vomiting. If your pet develops such side effects, you may notice that she is uninterested in her food bowl due to a decreased appetite. Stomach upset may cause your pet to appear tired or she may not be as playful as usual. Nausea side effects due to Clavamox Drops are typically mild and progressively subside with recurrent treatment. To prevent these stomach-related side effects, your veterinarian will explain that this medication should be given to your pet with food.


Clavamox Drops can cause diarrhea in your cat or dog as a side effect of treatment. You may notice that your dog needs to go outside more frequently to go to the bathroom or that his stools appear loose or runny. Your cat may spend more time in the litter box and you may notice a strong, foul odor after he produces a bowel movement. Diarrhea can also cause your pet to experience gas or stomach bloating, which can cause unpleasant odors to arise from your cat or dog more frequently than usual. As you continue to give this medication to your pet, his diarrhea symptoms will typically begin to subside.

Allergic Reaction

Certain dogs or cats can experience an allergic reaction after receiving the initial dose of Clavamox Drops, warn health professionals at Drugs, a peer-reviewed drug information website. An allergic reaction to this medication can cause side effects that include fever, facial or limb swelling, skin rash, breathing difficulties or an increased heart rate. You may notice that your cat or dog begins to stumble when she walks or appears uncoordinated or confused. Your pet can also begin making coughing noises due to breathing difficulties or swelling within the mouth. These potentially life-threatening side effects require immediate veterinarian attention.


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