How to Cleanse the Colon for Weight Loss

 by Tracey Allison Planinz

Colon cleansing programs have been used to improve health since ancient times. More recently, they have been advocated for weight loss. Weight loss is an obvious side effect from fasting and cleansing, but it is not the only benefit.

Colon cleansing programs have been used to improve health since ancient times. More recently, they have been advocated for weight loss. Weight loss is an obvious side effect from fasting and cleansing, but it is not the only benefit. Colon cleansing can help alleviate many problems that result from toxicity, such as headaches, fatigue and weakened immune function. Fasting and cleansing expert Dr. Elson Haas, calls fasting the "missing link" in modern medicine and nutrition.

Step 1

Take one or two capsules of cascara sagrada before going to bed each night. Cascara sagrada is available in most natural health food stores. This will help stimulate elimination of the colon. You should see results in 8-12 hours. According to Clayton College of Natural Health's herb guide, cascara sagrada is a safe tonic-laxative. It is also a "chelating agent," meaning it removes toxins from the digestive tract. Take daily, only as much as needed to keep the bowels moving. Ideally, you should have anywhere from one to three bowel movements per day.

Step 2

Take about 1 teaspoon of the triphala powder in 8 ounces of water or juice, three times per day. Triphala, found in health food stores or online, is actually a combination of three Indian herbs: amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki. These are used in Ayurvedic medicine to clear "ama," or toxins from the body. They have a cleansing effect on the digestive system and naturally promote weight loss

Step 3

Drink a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of half of a lemon each morning. Follow this with a glass of psyllium husk powder or other fiber drink mix. This will help stimulate digestion and encourage elimination. Psyllium husk is a natural bulking agent that helps to remove toxins from the colon. It is often used in weight loss programs and helps to decrease appetite. According to Clayton College of Natural Health, it is also safe to use over long periods of time.

Step 4

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps to cleanse the digestive system and promote weight loss naturally.


Take adequate water with fiber supplements to prevent blockages in the intestines or constipation.


Before beginning this or any cleansing program, consult your physician or healthcare practitioner. If you are taking any prescription medications, check with your doctor before taking Triphala or cascara sagrada, as some natural laxatives may interfere with the absorption of certain medications. Do not take Triphala or other laxatives and purgatives long term as they can cause dependency.


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