Exercises for Gas Relief

 by Kay Ireland

Whether the result of poor diet, inactivity or a chronic intestinal condition, gas can build up in your belly and make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Gas pains can be sharp and stabbing or simply make you feel full, but either way they mean you may experience an embarrassing need to pass gas.

Whether the result of poor diet, inactivity or a chronic intestinal condition, gas can build up in your belly and make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Gas pains can be sharp and stabbing or simply make you feel full, but either way they mean you may experience an embarrassing need to pass gas. Relieve your gas pains by using exercises that can help move the gas through your system more efficiently. After a quick workout, you should feel better and less embarrassed about your gas problem.


Walking can help relieve gas and gas pains. You may find that if you've had abdominal surgery, like a cesarean section, your doctor will recommend that you get up and walk as soon as possible, notes "The New Harvard Guide to Women's Health." Gas can build up in your system and cause pain when you're inactive, so it's important that you make an effort to move your body in order to move the gas more efficiently through your digestive system.


Pawanmuktasana, a yoga asana, is also sometimes known as the Wind Relieving Pose, as it helps to push excess gas through the belly in order to expel it. Start by lying on your back on a yoga mat. Slowly bring your left knee to your chest and gasp your knee with both hands, pulling it towards yourself. Hold for five seconds and release, then repeat with the right leg. Next, bring both legs to your chest and wrap your arms around them to pull them close to your body. This will help put pressure on your belly to move the gas through your system.


Regular crunches help to contract and release your stomach muscles, which can help move painful gas efficiently through your digestive system. Lie on your back on an exercise mat. Bend your knees to a 45-degree angle and place your hands behind your head. Inhale and lift your head, neck and shoulders off of the mat by contracting your abdominal muscles. Ensure that you don't pull on your head and neck, but rather allow your abs to do the lifting for you. Lower yourself as you exhale and repeat 12 to15 times.

Child's Pose

Child's pose is another yoga asana that can help put pressure on the belly and put you in a better position to pass gas, if necessary, suggest the YogicLogic.com. Kneel on a yoga mat. Place your hands down on the mat and slowly push your bottom back onto your heels. Lay the tops of your hands flat on the mat and lower your forehead to the mat. You should feel a moderate stretch along your spine and slight pressure on your belly. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, pushing yourself back into a deeper stretch if necessary.


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