Does Gas & Stomach Bloating Come From the Gallbladder?

 by Derek Buckner

Gas and stomach bloating can cause abdominal pain and discomfort. Your gallbladder can cause some bloating and discomfort if you begin to experience health issues with it, but it does not create gas. You can develop gas for a variety of other reasons.

Gas and stomach bloating can cause abdominal pain and discomfort. Your gallbladder can cause some bloating and discomfort if you begin to experience health issues with it, but it does not create gas. You can develop gas for a variety of other reasons. If you think your gallbladder is acting up, seek care from your physician.


Your gallbladder's primary responsibility is to help store digestive juices produced by your liver until needed in your intestine to help break down fats. If your gallbladder begins to act up, you could experience gallstones or just irritation of the gallbladder. Gallstones and gallbladder irritation can cause stomach bloating, pain and discomfort. If you are obese, your risk of developing gallstones and gallbladder irritation increases, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse.

Gas and Bloating

Gas can also cause stomach bloating. You may develop gas from swallowing too much air by eating or drinking too quickly, or by chewing gum or eating hard candy. You can also develop gas by eating certain foods, especially high-carbohydrate foods, such as broccoli, cabbage, baked beans and lettuce. Depending upon where the gas forms, either in your stomach or in your intestines, will determine whether you belch or pass gas. When you have air trapped in your stomach, your body releases the excess air by belching. Your body releases excess air trapped in your intestines by passing gas.


You can also develop gas in your digestive tract from the normal breakdown of undigested foods. These foods can cause harmless bacteria to occur naturally in your colon and large intestine. This air escapes your body when you pass gas. When your body cannot fully break down certain foods, such as corn, the harmless bacteria in your intestine will break it down. When this process occurs, the body produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane gas. These gases eventually exit your body through your rectum.


If gas and stomach bloating are a concern for you, ask your health care provider about trying over-the-counter anti-gas products to achieve relief. If you worry that you have an inflamed gallbladder or that you have gallstones, your health care provider can determine what complications are present in your gallbladder by performing certain tests, such as an ultrasound.


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