What Does Apple Juice Do for the Body?

 by Lana Billings-Smith

Refreshing, sweet and slightly tart, a glass of apple juice is rich in many nutrients. As many commercially produced juices contain a lot of sugar, choose an unsweetened or natural juice to reduce the number of calories your apple juice contains.

Refreshing, sweet and slightly tart, a glass of apple juice is rich in many nutrients. As many commercially produced juices contain a lot of sugar, choose an unsweetened or natural juice to reduce the number of calories your apple juice contains. If you have the chance, freshly made apple juice is more nutritious and healthy.

Basic Nutrition

A single glass of apple juice, measuring 8 fluid ounces, has 114 calories per serving, with 1/4 gram of protein and less than 1/2 gram of fat. It also contains 1/2 gram of dietary fiber and its high sugar content -- almost 24 grams per serving -- is what makes the carbohydrate content so high, with a little more than 28 grams per serving. The recommended dietary allowance of carbohydrates is between 130 and 210 grams per day for all adults. Excess carbs convert to fat, so be careful not to eat too many carbs each day.

Helps Hydrate

Apple juice has 219 grams of water per 8-ounce serving, and so it can help you stay hydrated. Getting enough water in a day is important, as the majority of chemical reactions in your body require water. Although there is no defined limit for drinking water, the recommended intake is six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. If you live in a hot environment or if you participate in strenuous activity, you may require more fluids. Apple juice, along with other fruit juices and liquids, such as milk and soup, can be part of your intake of eight glasses a day, although drinking plain water is your best source of fluid intake. Avoid caffeinated beverages, as they have a diuretic effect and are not helpful with keeping your body hydrated.

Polyphenol Content

Apple juices, both those that are commercially produced as well as fresh apple juices, are a rich source of polyphenols. However, fresh apple juices, regardless of the cultivar of the apple, have a higher polyphenol content than commercially produced juices, as reported in a 2005 article in "Molecular Nutrition and Food Research." Commercial apple juices did have a significant polyphenol content, however, the study reported. Over the past decade, polyphenol research has strongly concluded that polyphenols were beneficial for preventing degenerative disease -- especially heart disease and cancer, according to a summary study in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" published in 2005.

Vitamin C Content

Frequently, commercially produced apple juice has added vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid. Even without added vitamin C, apple juice contains vitamin C, with 2.2 milligrams per 8-ounce serving. Fortified apple juice has 95.5 milligrams of vitamin C per serving, which provides more than100 percent of the dietary reference intake of vitamin C for adult men and women, including pregnant women. Fortified apple juice provides 80 percent of the DRI of vitamin C for breastfeeding women. Vitamin C supports your immune system and helps produce collagen, which keeps your skin, tendons, cartilage and blood vessels healthy.


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