A Balanced Indian Diet

 by Jill Corleone, RDN, LD

A healthy and balanced Indian diet is one that includes a variety of foods from all the food groups.

As a primarily plant-based diet, the Indian diet is considered healthy. However, like any diet, if you eat too much of one type of food and not enough of another, you may not get all the nutrition you need. A healthy and balanced Indian diet is one that includes a variety of foods from all the food groups.

Indian Diet Basics

According to the dietary guidelines for Indians developed by the Indian Council of Medical Research, a healthy and balanced Indian diet should get most of its calories from cereals, millet and pulses, which are legumes such as lentils, peas and beans. The diet should also include milk for high-quality protein and calcium, as well as oils and nuts for nutrition and calories. Fruits and vegetables are an important source of vitamins and minerals and are also part of your balanced Indian diet.

Many Indians follow a vegetarian diet, and while eggs and animal meats also act as a source of high-quality protein, they're not necessary as long as you're eating a diet filled with grains, legumes, vegetables and milk.


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