3 Healthy Holiday Cookies to Bring to Your Next Party

 by Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott

'Tis the season to fill up on the sweetest things in life — family, love and, of course, desserts! We always want to encourage you to enjoy these moments and feel good about all of your choices. Fitspo should never been about skipping out on a fun cocktail or holiday treat. It’s all about balance.

'Tis the season to fill up on the sweetest things in life — family, love and, of course, desserts! We always want to encourage you to enjoy these moments and feel good about all of your choices. Fitspo should never been about skipping out on a fun cocktail or holiday treat. It's all about balance.

Today we're sharing three tasty recipes to sweeten up your next holiday party. These cookies are so easy to make and full of clean ingredients that your body will love. Whether you're hosting or attending, we know these cookies will be the talk of the party. Cheers!

1. Peanut Butter Blossoms

These beautiful bites are a crowd favorite ­— you can whip them up in a pinch! Plus, they're made with clean, plant-based, non-GMO Tone It Up Protein, which means they can easily double as a post-workout treat!

Find the recipe here.

2. Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodles are a staple of the season. They're full of light and fluffy goodness, plus a little cinnamon spice!

Check them out here.

3. Gingerbread

Gingerbread men are another seasonal favorite. They are sweet, spicy and very cute. Whip them up and have a blast decorating these adorable little guys.

Grab the recipe here.

What Do YOU Think?

What are some of your favorite holiday recipes? Will you be making any of these delicious cookies? Let us know in the comments section.


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