How to Cook Old-Fashioned Thick Rolled Oats

 by Sommer Leigh advises eating more grains, such as those in old-fashioned thick rolled oats. When combined with fruit, the cooked oats make for a complete, nutritious breakfast. Rolled oats are a source of complex carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals, and they are low in fat. advises eating more grains, such as those in old-fashioned thick rolled oats. When combined with fruit, the cooked oats make for a complete, nutritious breakfast. Rolled oats are a source of complex carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals, and they are low in fat. Consuming whole grains may lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Using the stove top to cook the oats gives you greater control over the boiling water, but if you don't have access to a stove or want quicker cooking, opt for the microwave.


Step 1

Pour 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of uncooked rolled oats you are cooking into a saucepan large enough to hold twice the amount of oats and water.

Step 2

Place the saucepan on a stove top burner set to high heat.

Step 3

Boil the water until it comes to a full, rolling boil.

Step 4

Mix the oats into the water.

Step 5

Turn the heat down to medium and cook the oat for about five minutes, or until most of the liquid is absorbed into the oats and the oats are tender.

Step 6

Turn off the heat, cover the pot and set it aside for another five minutes.


Step 1

Pour 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of uncooked rolled oats you are cooking into a medium microwave-safe bowl.

Step 2

Add the oats to the bowl.

Step 3

Microwave the oats and water on high for 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 4

Remove the bowl from the microwave, stir it and microwave the oats for another 30 seconds if the water is not absorbed and the oats are not tender.

Step 5

Microwave the oats in 30 second intervals until they reach the tenderness level you desire.


Mix uncooked, old-fashioned thick rolled oats into recipes such as cookies, muffins, granola, fruit crisps, meat loaf and breads. The oats cook with the recipe but still maintain some of their crunch.

Stir honey, nuts or fresh or dried fruit into the oatmeal.


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