How to Cook Frozen & Fresh Ravioli

 by Ireland Wolfe

A traditional Italian dish, ravioli are pasta stuffed with cheese, meat or other filling and typically served with a marinara sauce. You can purchase pre-made frozen ravioli at your grocery store or you can make your own from scratch — and freeze them for later use if desired.

A traditional Italian dish, ravioli are pasta stuffed with cheese, meat or other filling and typically served with a marinara sauce. You can purchase pre-made frozen ravioli at your grocery store or you can make your own from scratch — and freeze them for later use if desired. The cooking process for fresh and frozen ravioli is the same; the only differences lie in the preparation and how long the ravioli need to cook.

Step 1

Separate your fresh ravioli with a sharp knife, if they are attached to each other. You do not need to separate frozen ravioli.

Step 2

Add 4 to 6 quarts of water to a large pot. Sprinkle salt in the water and add 4 teaspoons of vegetable or olive oil to prevent your pasta from sticking.

Step 3

Boil the water over high heat. Cover your pot to help the water boil more quickly.

Step 4

Add the fresh or frozen ravioli to your boiling water. Frozen ravioli that are stuck together will break apart as they cook. Return to a boil.

Step 5

Cook your fresh ravioli for 5 to 7 minutes, uncovered. Frozen ravioli may need a few additional minutes. Do not stir because the ravioli may break apart. Test your ravioli for doneness by taking a bite after fishing one out with a slotted spoon.

Step 6

Drain your ravioli by gently pouring them into a strainer or by removing them with a slotted spoon. Serve with your favorite sauce.


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