Concentration Exercises for Kids

 by Jason Aberdeene

Concentration exercises for kids are designed to help improve your child's ability to focus during school and during basic daily activities. Although some of these exercises are designed specifically for children with ADD or ADHD, most concentration exercises will benefit all kids.

Concentration exercises for kids are designed to help improve your child's ability to focus during school and during basic daily activities. Although some of these exercises are designed specifically for children with ADD or ADHD, most concentration exercises will benefit all kids. Concentration exercises for kids range from eye exercises to math-based activities.

Mind-Body Integration

This concentration exercise is designed to keep your child in a static position for an extended period of time. Grab a chair and place it in the center of a room in your house. Have your kid sit down in the chair, and tell him that he cannot move during the exercise. Once he is seated, start your timer and have him sit without moving for as long as possible. Take note of how long your child can sit without moving and work on extending that time each time you practice the exercise. According to Empowering Parents, this exercise strengthens neural connections between the body and brain, making it easier for your child to focus and develop self-control.

Visual Tracking Exercise

The visual tracking exercise is designed to develop your child's attention skills. Have your child sit down in a chair and focus on an object that you are holding in your hand. The younger the child, the larger the object should be. Start moving the object in a horizontal direction, 16 inches from your child's eyes. Have your child follow the object with her eyes, making sure she does not move her head while she is tracking the object. Keep the speed of the object at a comfortable pace, increasing it only after your child has shown improvement.

Homework Reward

This exercise is designed to give your child an incentive to focus, whether on his homework or in other areas. Have your child sit down with his homework and start working on it. Reward him with a small treat for every 10 minutes of work. If your child performs an hour of uninterrupted work, give him a bigger reward. If schoolwork is not something that your child can focus on, getting him to focus on a prize or reward will indirectly get him to focus on the task at hand.


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