How to Raise Diastolic Pressure

 by Virginia Franco

The bottom number of a blood pressure reading is called the diastolic number, and it is a measurement of the pressure in the arteries as your heart muscle relaxes following a contraction. Low diastolic pressure is often referred to as hypotension.

The bottom number of a blood pressure reading is called the diastolic number, and it is a measurement of the pressure in the arteries as your heart muscle relaxes following a contraction. Low diastolic pressure is often referred to as hypotension. Hypotension in a healthy person usually doesn't require treatment, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. There are a number of lifestyle adjustments that can be made to help raise diastolic pressure or hypotension.

Step 1

Rule out mild dehydration, a common cause of hypotension, which generally has no symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably drinks with electrolytes, while cutting out alcohol. According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol is dehydrating and can lower blood pressure, even if consumed in moderation. Water combats dehydration and increases blood volume. Re-measure your blood pressure to see if the diastolic number rises.

Step 2

Consult your doctor to rule-out bradycardia, a condition where your diastolic pressure gets lower as a side effect of a particular medication or combination of medications. Bradycardia is usually treated by medication tweaking, which must be done by a doctor.

Step 3

Dissolve 1 lb. of Epsom salt in a bath. You can buy Epsom salt at any pharmacy. Sit in the bath for 10 to 20 minutes, just before going to bed. This is a popular home remedy for hypotension.

Step 4

Eat more salt. This means adding more salty foods in your diet. along with drinking a cup of water with 1/2 tsp. of salt added to it. If your doctor suggests increasing your sodium intake, but you don't care for salty foods, the Mayo Clinic says to consider soy sauce that contains 1,200mg of sodium per tablespoon. Another alternative is to add dry soup mixes which contain high levels of sodium to salad dressings or food dips.

Step 5

Prepare a mixture using the herb Indian spikenard. Steep 15 to 20g of Indian spikenard in boiling water. Add a pinch of camphor and cinnamon, and drink a cup three times a day to raise your diastolic pressure.


Continue to measure your blood pressure while undergoing any combination or dietary or home remedy treatments described above.


The symptoms of low diastolic pressure mimic those of other conditions and include lethargy, weakness, dizziness and fainting. Before beginning any home remedy treatments, consult with your doctor to rule out any other possible medical conditions.


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