Diets for Factor Five Blood

 by Bryan Lutz

Having a blood factor of five means that your blood contains a particular hereditary gene that is passed down through your parents. The condition, known as Factor V Leiden, causes your blood to coagulate more frequently and more quickly than normal.

Having a blood factor of five means that your blood contains a particular hereditary gene that is passed down through your parents. The condition, known as Factor V Leiden, causes your blood to coagulate more frequently and more quickly than normal. Although this can be beneficial if you sustain an injury that causes severe bleeding, it can also lead to the formation of blood clots, which can be dangerous. If you have Factor V Leiden, you can alter your diet to help prevent the possibility of forming a blood clot.

Good Foods

If you have been diagnosed with Factor V Leiden, you should alter your diet to prevent excessive blood clotting. Balance your diet by including blood-thinning foods to help counteract the coagulating effects that this genetic mutation has on your blood. Foods high in salicylates, which block vitamin K receptors, naturally thin out the blood in your body. Herbs that contain salicylates include curry powder, cayenne pepper, ginger, paprika, dill, oregano and peppermint. Fruits such as raisins, prunes, cranberries, strawberries, grapes, and oranges also contain salicylates and can be beneficial in preventing blood clots.

Bad Foods

Vitamin K aids in blood clotting and is also good for helping bone growth. Although foods rich in vitamin K are beneficial for people with normal genetics, if you've been diagnosed with Factor V Leiden you should try to reduce your intake of foods rich in vitamin K, since further blood coagulation can increase your chances of developing blood clots. Foods especially high in vitamin K include kale, collards, spinach, turnip greens, beet greens, and Brussels sprouts.

Other Suggestions

Aside from altering your diet to reduce your vitamin K intake and to increase salicylate consumption, you can take a number of other steps to prevent blood clots from forming in your body. Smoking may increase your chances of developing blood clots; if you're a smoker with Factor V Leiden, you should seriously consider quitting. In addition, sitting for an extended period of time -- for instance, in a plane or a long car ride -- can limit blood circulation and lead to clotting. Being overweight can also contribute to blood clots: The pressure exerted from the extra weight on your lower extremities puts stress on your veins and limits circulation; exercise and further alterations to your diet can help you lose weight.


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