Can I Exercise With a Bruised Tailbone?

 by Jenna Morris

Bruised tailbones can heal within a few days, but can take as long as a few weeks. Instead of opting out of exercise altogether, you can choose exercises that don't cause pain. Low impact exercise, standing exercises and stretching are all acceptable ways to exercise without exacerbating the area.

Bruised tailbones can heal within a few days, but can take as long as a few weeks. Instead of opting out of exercise altogether, you can choose exercises that don't cause pain. Low impact exercise, standing exercises and stretching are all acceptable ways to exercise without exacerbating the area.

Bruised Tailbones

Bruised tailbones often occur from falling on the area, but can also happen from childbirth, an infection or a fracture. The pain in your tailbone, also knows as your coccyx, can be apparent when seated, standing, transitioning from seated to standing, after a bowel movement and during sexual activity. Avoiding movements that cause pain, sitting on a cushion, taking pain relievers and icing the area can help the bruise heal more quickly.

Cardiovascular Exercise

During the time it takes for your coccyx to heal, you can do cardiovascular activity that does not include high-impact movement. Walking, swimming and using the elliptical are all options. Aerobics, biking and running may aggravate the area and should be avoided. Immediately following the bruised tailbone, don't jump right back into your fitness routine. Start with smaller increments of cardio and work your way back up if it feels fine afterward.

Strength Training

Strength training can still be done with a bruised tailbone. You will want to avoid machinery where you have to sit to perform the exercise. Lower body and lower back exercises may strain the ligaments that attach to your coccyx, and should therefore be practiced with caution. Instead, opt for standing upper body movements, like shoulder presses, triceps extensions and bicep curls.


Stretching the ligaments that surround your tailbone can help strengthen the joint's supporting muscles. A physical therapist or chiropractor can recommend stretches tailored to a bruised tailbone. Yoga may also be a good option for stretching, but again, you might want to avoid seated positions or you can use cushions and blankets to help ease the pain.


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