How to Change Adult Diapers With Poop in Them

 by Patti Kelly

The inability of an individual to control when he has a bowel movement is called fecal incontinence. While a disorder involving the gastrointestinal or neurological system is typically the cause of fecal incontinence, other conditions may also result in a loss of bowel control.

The inability of an individual to control when he has a bowel movement is called fecal incontinence. While a disorder involving the gastrointestinal or neurological system is typically the cause of fecal incontinence, other conditions may also result in a loss of bowel control. Fecal incontinence affects people of all ages, including adults.

Step 1

Gather supplies and a change of clothing. Find a private location, and place these items near the area where you will be changing the diaper. Open two plastic bags--one for soiled laundry and another for trash. Position them off to the side. Wash your hands.

Step 2

Direct the adult to the location. Draw curtains or blinds over windows and shut any doors to maximize privacy. Assist the adult onto a bed and cover the changing surface beneath him with either a paper liner or a washable pad. Apply gloves and then, if needed, assist him with removing his pants and other clothing. Place soiled clothing in the laundry bag.

Step 3

Unfasten the diaper and wash the genital area with disposable wipes. Cleanse from front to back, changing the wipe each time. After use, place soiled disposable wipes in the trash bag.

Step 4

Help the individual roll to his side once the entire genital area has been cleansed. Fold the diaper onto itself to contain as much stool and urine inside the diaper as possible. Tuck the diaper under the individual, with only the clean outer portion coming in contact with the skin.

Step 5

Cleanse buttocks and in between legs with disposable wipes. Continue to utilize front-to-back motions, changing cloths after each wipe and disposing of them in the appropriate bag. Help the individual roll back onto his back, then onto his other side. Move to the other side of the bed.

Step 6

Cleanse buttocks and any soiled areas that may have been inaccessible when the individual was on his other side. Once the entire area and all of the folds between the legs have been cleansed, remove the folded, soiled diaper. Place it in the trash bag.

Step 7

Remove your soiled gloves and dispose of them, then apply a fresh pair of gloves. Examine the individual's skin for redness and irritation. If needed and when appropriate, apply diaper cream. Use a tissue to apply the diaper cream. Dispose of the tissue in the trash bag.

Step 8

Slide a new diaper under the individual, tucking it under the hip to center it. Help him to roll back onto his back, adjust the position of the diaper and then secure it. Remove the pad from beneath him; then assist him with putting on fresh clothes and with washing his hands.

Step 9

Place the paper liner or washable pad in the appropriate bag. Clean and sanitize the area. Tie off the plastic bags and take them to trash and laundry areas. Remove gloves and wash your hands thoroughly.


Red, irritated or open areas on the skin should be reported to the individual's health-care provider.
Loose stools, constipation and abnormal stools should be reported to the individual's health-care provider.


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