The Safety of an IUD During Exercise

 by Heather Topham Wood

When your doctor implants an intrauterine device to prevent pregnancy, he will provide you with after-care instructions, including when you can resume normal exercise. As soon as the IUD is in place, the FamilyDoctor website reports, you can resume swimming and your normal exercise routine.

When your doctor implants an intrauterine device to prevent pregnancy, he will provide you with after-care instructions, including when you can resume normal exercise. As soon as the IUD is in place, the FamilyDoctor website reports, you can resume swimming and your normal exercise routine. If you feel any side effects during exercise you think may be related to the IUD insertion, consult your doctor.


You may feel some discomfort after the implantation procedure, which may make you choose to avoid resuming normal exercise immediately. The IUD insertion procedure takes approximately five to 10 minutes and involves your doctor placing the IUD into your uterus through your cervix. A string is left on the end of the IUD to allow you to check positioning. You may experience cramping and bleeding after the insertion, the Center for Young Women's Health notes on its website.


If you feel any unusual cramping after exercise, you might want to check the position of the IUD. To do this, insert a clean finger into your vagina. The string for the IUD rests about 2 in. down from your cervix into the vagina. The string feels like a thread or a piece of fishing line. If you do not feel the string or you feel the actual IUD, contact your doctor.


You may feel spotting, cramping and lower back pain for as long as a few weeks after insertion. To relieve discomfort prior to exercising, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Severe cramping and heavy bleeding should be reported to your doctor.


Any type of exercise involving electronic muscle stimulation will need to be avoided temporarily after IUD insertion; electronic muscle stimulation devices send electrical impulses to exercise the muscles. The manufacturer of Slendertone, an electronic muscle-stimulation belt, instructs its users to avoid using the product for at least a month after IUD insertion.


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