Causes of Swelling After a Vasectomy

 by Julia Bodeeb

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves snipping or blocking the vas deferens, the tube that transmits sperm from the testes to the urethra. When successful, this will prevent pregnancy. A vasectomy is typically performed in the surgeon’s office with local anesthesia.

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves snipping or blocking the vas deferens, the tube that transmits sperm from the testes to the urethra. When successful, this will prevent pregnancy. A vasectomy is typically performed in the surgeon's office with local anesthesia. There are typically no severe complications with this disorder. Some swelling, however, may occur after a vasectomy for a variety of reasons.


Lifting heavy items or being too active too soon will also hinder recovery and often causes swelling too. The National Institutes of Health says that, while most patients are cleared to return to work within a few days following vasectomy, heavy lifting and other strenuous physical activity should not be resumed for three to seven days. The patient's physician may impose other guidelines for a return to activity based on the rate of healing and overall health prior to the surgery.

Forgetting to Use Scrotal Support

Forgetting to wear a scrotal support device after the vasectomy is another reason for swelling. Ignoring the doctor's time frame for using the device to support the scrotum will often result in scrotal swelling. Typically the device is utilized for three to four days after a vasectomy, reports MedlinePlus, a website of the National Institutes of Health.


Infection is another possible cause for swelling after a vasectomy. If the skin appears hot, stretched out or is oozing pus, or if a fever and chills occur after the vasectomy, it is important to notify the doctor immediately, cautions the National Institutes of Health.


Bruising of the scrotum is a rare occurrence after a vasectomy, notes the National Institutes of Health. The bruising can cause general swelling to the incision area due to congestion of blood in the area of the bruises. This problem should abate within several weeks.

Not Applying Ice Packs

Ignoring advice to apply ice packs to the scrotal area during the first eight hours after the surgery will hinder the body's ability to prevent swelling, notes the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Ice packs should be applied as directed wrapped in a towel to protect the delicate surgical site.


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