What Diet Sodas Can You Drink on Atkins

 by Leigh Wittman

The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, and although diet sodas generally do not contain any carbohydrates, not all of them are allowed on the Atkins diet. Learning which diet sodas are allowed on the Atkins diet is essential if you are on the diet or considering starting it and plan to drink diet soda.

The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, and although diet sodas generally do not contain any carbohydrates, not all of them are allowed on the Atkins diet. Learning which diet sodas are allowed on the Atkins diet is essential if you are on the diet or considering starting it and plan to drink diet soda. Consult your physician prior to starting the Atkins diet or any other weight loss program.

Caffeine-Free Sodas

Only caffeine-free diet sodas are permitted on the Atkins diet. According to Robert Atkins, M.D., in his book "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution," caffeine raises blood glucose levels and increases appetite and should therefore be limited by all dieters to no more than one cup of tea or coffee per day before lunch. Dieters who have sluggish weight loss or suffer from diabetes should avoid caffeine entirely.

Soda Sweetened with Sucralose or Stevia

Sucralose and stevia are the only sweeteners allowed on the Atkins diet. Aspartame, which is not permitted on the Atkins diet, is the most common sweetener in diet sodas, according to "Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies." Therefore, it is essential that you read the ingredients label on diet sodas to ensure that they are sweetened with an allowed sweetener.

Daily Soda Allowance

Atkins dieters are limited to three servings of sweetener per day. According to Atkins, even sucralose and stevia can impact weight loss if used in excess and must therefore be limited. One serving of sweetener is equivalent to 3 tsp. of powdered sucralose or stevia, two packets of sucralose or stevia, or 12 oz. of allowed diet soda, according to Atkins.


If you're used to drinking several cans of diet soda throughout the day, you might wonder how you'll manage to drink only three cans or less per day. Try drinking other allowed beverages to satisfy your thirst. Water with a splash of lemon juice, flavored seltzer water, club soda, sparkling mineral water and spring water are all allowed in unlimited amounts on the Atkins diet.


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