The Nutrition of Seltzer Water

 by Stan Mack

Seltzer water is just water that has undergone the process of carbonation. As long as it’s unsweetened and has no additional ingredients, seltzer water has no calories, making it an effective addition to a low-calorie diet. Typically, manufacturers do not add minerals or mineral salts to seltzer.

Seltzer water is just water that has undergone the process of carbonation. As long as it's unsweetened and has no additional ingredients, seltzer water has no calories, making it an effective addition to a low-calorie diet. Typically, manufacturers do not add minerals or mineral salts to seltzer.


You can enjoy seltzer water by itself, but many people combine seltzer water with other beverages. For example, if you're tired of drinking plain water, add a small amount of fruit juice to the seltzer. The result will be a more nutritious, lower-calorie version of a sugary soft drink. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that most people don't realize how many calories they drink during meals. For example, if you have a 20-oz. bottle of cola with a meal, it adds 227 calories. A 16-oz. container of sweetened lemon iced tea adds 180 calories to your meal. Drinking seltzer water, on the other hand, adds no calories, and mixing 2 oz. of 100 percent orange juice into the seltzer water only adds 30 calories to your meal.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says sparkling water, soda water, tonic water, club soda, sparkling water and seltzer water are all soft drinks, not bottled waters. If manufacturers add ingredients to seltzer, the nutritional properties change. For example, cola is seltzer water with added sugar, colorings and flavorings, which adds many calories to the seltzer. Typically, seltzer water is carbonated water with nothing added, but you should check the nutrition label to verify that there are no additional ingredients, which can make the beverage unhealthy or add too many calories to your diet.


Drinking seltzer water can help you meet your daily water requirements. For most people, eight 8 oz. glasses of water should supply what the body needs for various processes, including flushing toxins, transporting nutrients to cells and creating a moist environment for nose, ear and throat tissues. Drinking seltzer water can be an interesting alternative if you're bored with plain water. Add a slice of lemon or lime to help you stave off your cravings for sugary beverages.


Seltzer water contains carbon dioxide, so drinking it may cause gassiness. Symptoms you might experience include abdominal bloating, extreme flatulence or a need to belch. If you experience negative side effects after drinking seltzer water, drink smaller amounts or eliminate it entirely from your diet.


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