Calories in Cappuccino

 by Viola Horne

Cappuccino is coffee combined with steamed milk. Black coffee contains few calories, so the calories in a cappuccino come mainly from the milk and will vary depending on the fat content and type of milk used.

Cappuccino is coffee combined with steamed milk. Black coffee contains few calories, so the calories in a cappuccino come mainly from the milk and will vary depending on the fat content and type of milk used.

Calories in a Cappucino

According to Coffee & Tea Warehouse, a classic cappuccino combines 1 1/2 oz. of espresso with 1 1/2 to 2 oz. of frothed milk. There are 27 to 36 calories in a 3 1/2 to 4 oz. cup of cappuccino using whole milk. A basic cappuccino combines 2 oz. espresso, 2 oz. of steamed milk and 2 oz. of frothed milk for a total of 36 calories in a 6 oz. cup.

Milk Choices

Your milk choice affects the number of calories in a cappuccino. A 12 oz. coffee house cappuccino with low-fat milk has 90 calories, or about 7.5 calories per ounce. Using whole milk increases the calories to 110 and substituting soy milk decreases it to about 80 calories.

Adding More Calories

Other factors that affect the number of calories in a cup of cappuccino include the size and any additions. While a 12 oz. cup of coffee house cappuccino runs about 90 calories, a 16 ounce low-fat cappuccino goes up to about 120 calories. Adding sugar, syrup or cocoa powder will also increase the number of calories.


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