Eight Months Pregnant and Baby Does Not Stop Moving

 by Barbie Carpenter

During your second trimester, those first flutters of your baby's movement were special. They created a bond between you and your baby, and it was her way of telling you she was OK in there.

During your second trimester, those first flutters of your baby's movement were special. They created a bond between you and your baby, and it was her way of telling you she was OK in there. Now, at eight months pregnant, you are used to the movement and might even find some movements uncomfortable as your baby continues to grow. Regular fetal movement is normal as your baby approaches her due date.


Constant fetal movement during the eighth month of pregnancy has its benefits. During each obstetrician visit, your doctor will ask you if there has been any decrease in fetal movement, which can be a sign of distress. Since you're feeling your baby move constantly, you know that she is doing well in there, continuing to grow and thrive. Thus, constant movement can give you a bit of relief if you are concerned about your little one's well-being.


At this point in your pregnancy, those first fluttering movements have been replaced with kicks, punches and rolls that you cannot miss. In some cases, the movement might even be uncomfortable. Your baby is growing out of her home in your womb, so her movements will be more pronounced. Just breathe through any uncomfortable movements and know that you have only a few more weeks until she will be in your arms.


Even though your baby is moving regularly, you might be able to pinpoint her schedule by now. Some babies move more frequently during the morning, while others are nighttime movers. You might not notice all of her movements during the day, when you are active and your mind is on other things. When you are sleeping -- or trying to sleep -- at night, you will notice every kick, jab and punch, which might make you think she is constantly moving.


While regular movement during your pregnancy is not a concern, a sudden change in your baby's movements is one. If you notice that your baby is not moving as regularly as you are used to, contact your OB or midwife right away. Your baby just might be having a lazy day, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Your provider can check the baby's heart rate or watch her via ultrasound to make sure there aren't any problems.


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