Symptoms That Your Colon Needs Cleaning

 by Victoria Philpott

Toxicity from a blocked colon can cause a wide variety of health issues. advises that toxic overload debilitates nearly every systemic function, keeping the body from operating at its optimum.

Toxicity from a blocked colon can cause a wide variety of health issues. advises that toxic overload debilitates nearly every systemic function, keeping the body from operating at its optimum. A combination of problems could mean that your colon needs cleansing; however if you are experiencing any colon symptoms, visit your doctor immediately.


An inability to defecate can indicate constipation. advises that modern day issues such as bad diet, stress, drugs, chemicals and other toxic substances cause the colon to try and protect itself by producing more mucus. This mucus binds with the sludge from refined foods, such as white flour, and eventually builds up on the bowel walls, which narrows the space available to push the fecal matter out. Known as an impacted colon, this can be the culmination of years of colon abuse. A good colon cleanse can help to flush out extraneous matter, and help to restore enough room for fecal matter to be effectively eliminated.


Common aches include headaches, backaches and sciatic pain; these may be the result of an impacted colon says the Association and Register of Colon Hydrotherapists. Candida fungus, which is commonly associated with colon problems, is often the root cause of these aches.


Poisons from the leftover residue in your colon circulate via the blood through the lymphatic system to all parts of the body, causing you to feel weak. Your immunity levels are reduced as the systemic yeast and parasites produced leech the body’s nutrients. notes that the colon is not designed to be a holding tank for toxins and fecal matter. Storing this goes hand in hand with fatigue.

You Smell

Bad breath, body odor and abdominal gas all occur when your colon releases toxic gas into the body. says that indigestion and swelling of the belly can happen when yeast ferments the foods in the intestines, producing gas. This may lead to gastritis, which is when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. Gastritis causes both pain and flatulence.

Acne reports that a clogged colon is similiar to an overflowing septic tank that spreads poison all over the body. Your skin needs to breathe, and when toxins are overwhelming your pores, it is unable to do this. A colon cleanse pulls the plug on the septic tank and scrubs it clean.


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