How to Use Colloidal Silver for Ear Infections

 by Susan Brassard

Colloidal silver is a suspension of minute silver particles in a liquid solution. A known microbial antibiotic, colloidal silver has been used by various cultures as a topical and internal medication for hundreds of years.

Colloidal silver is a suspension of minute silver particles in a liquid solution. A known microbial antibiotic, colloidal silver has been used by various cultures as a topical and internal medication for hundreds of years. However, following the discovery of penicillin and subsequent increase in commercially prepared antibiotics, the medicinal value of colloidal silver was discounted. As of 2011, there is limited acceptance for the use of colloidal silver in bandages, but it remains a controversial alternative product with unknown side effects. Colloidal silver is not sanctioned by conventional medicine or the Food and Drug Administration.

Step 1

Consult with your primary care physician if you experience symptoms of an ear infection. Ask if colloidal silver may be an appropriate treatment and if it will interfere with any other medications.

Step 2

Avoid purchasing colloidal silver products from online sources that make unsubstantiated claims about the healing properties of the product. Keep in mind that websites devoted to marketing an alternative remedy from a one-page website may be more likely to market inferior products by making unsubstantiated claims.

Step 3

Read labels carefully if you purchase colloidal silver products from your local health food stores. The recommended safe dose of colloidal silver is 1 tsp. of 100 parts of silver to 1 million parts of solution.


The Federal Drug Administration does not approve of the use of colloidal silver for treatment of any condition or disease.

Silver is not an essential mineral and should be used under the supervision of a health care professional.


An excessive intake of colloidal silver can result in argyria, an irreversible blue-gray discoloration of the skin.

Consult with your pharmacist or primary care physician about the interaction of colloidal silver and other prescription and over-the-counter medication.


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