Herbs That Clean Mucoid Plaque in the Colon

 by Michele Kadison

Compromised liver and kidney function, faulty digestion, constipation and bloating are some of the symptoms of a blocked colon.

Compromised liver and kidney function, faulty digestion, constipation and bloating are some of the symptoms of a blocked colon. According to the online site, Liver Cancer Symptoms, mucoid plaque, the slimy coating that forms and hardens in the gastrointestinal tract, can prevent absorption of nutrients while attracting toxins and parasites. Cleaning mucoid plaque helps to reduce congestion in the colon, allowing the body to release undigested wastes that otherwise putrefy in the organ, causing discomfort and disease. Using herbs to remove mucoid plaque is a natural way to return the colon to its natural and healthful function.

Slippery Elm

Also called Ulmus Fulva, slippery elm is native to North America. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, slippery elm has been used as a medicinal by Native Americans for centuries for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems and more. Because of its mucilaginous properties whereby the herb turns into a gel when mixed with water, slippery elm helps to soothe and coat the intestines. Additionally, slippery elm contains antioxidants that help to relieve inflammation and irritation in the mucus membranes. The herb helps to relieve constipation and thus expel toxins from the body. It also helps to activate the nerve endings in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating secretion of more mucus. This protects against overly acidic conditions that can possibly lead to ulcers. Slippery elm's remedial properties are best found in the dried and powdered inner bark of the plant, and it can be taken as a tea or in capsules or tablets.

Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint, or Menta piperita, is native to Europe and Asia and is also found in the temperate zones of North America. According to the Herb and Supplement Encyclopedia, peppermint leaves help to reduce colonic spasms and calm the stomach muscles. They additionally help gas to pass, relieving the pressure of bloating. The German Commission E, an important European regulatory agency for herbal medicine, claims that peppermint leaves help to stimulate bile secretion generated in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder. The improved bile flow makes it easier for foods to pass through the stomach, creating a more efficient digestive process. In this regard, peppermint leaves stimulate peristalsis, whereby the colon is more easily cleansed. Because peppermint leaves are anti-microbial, they help to eliminate bacteria and other toxic wastes while leaving the colon and other organs free to better absorb nutrients.

Marshmallow Root

Native to Europe, Althea officinalis, or marshmallow root, is found in salty marshes and has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb. According to Flora Health's online herbal encyclopedia, marshmallow root contains mucilage along with pectin, cellulose and other elements that help it bind to the mucus membranes in the body. Because it swells when mixed with fluids, marshmallow root helps to dislodge mucus congestion, sweeping out toxins from the body as digestion is improved. Its soothing properties help reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract, soothing the cell walls. In this regard, the herb also helps with constipation, absorbing toxins from the bowels, diluting the stool and sweeping fecal matter out of the system.

Words to the Wise

As with any healing protocol, it is essential to consult with your health-care practitioner before taking any herb. If you suspect that you suffer from mucoid plaque in the colon, be sure to discuss conventional applications as well.

When taking medicinal herbs, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the process.


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