Getting a Deep Colon Cleanse

 by Rachel Moran

Getting a deep colon cleanse may be able to remove years of toxicity from your system, according to Dr. Edward F. Group at the Colon Cleanse and Constipation Resource Center. Your colon processes your food and helps you eliminate waste; it's natural to want to keep it as clean and functional as possible.

Getting a deep colon cleanse may be able to remove years of toxicity from your system, according to Dr. Edward F. Group at the Colon Cleanse and Constipation Resource Center. Your colon processes your food and helps you eliminate waste; it's natural to want to keep it as clean and functional as possible. Deep intestinal cleansing can be used to jumpstart weight loss or improve your overall health. However, a thorough understanding of what you're doing is crucial to your wellness.


Many options exist to get a deep colon cleanse. Supplements include bentonite clay, cascara sagrada and psyllium husk. Bentonite grabs toxic material from the colon's folds and flushes it out. Cascara sagrada acts as roughage and a stimulant laxative, while psyllium increases stool's volume. If you need help with temporary constipation, an enema of water or salt water can help. This cleanses the lower intestine thoroughly, but it doesn't cleanse as deeply as other methods. Finally, you can fast entirely or with juice to allow the energy you normally spend digesting to improve your natural cleansing processes.


According to the Mayo Clinic, proponents of colon cleansing believe that a deep cleanse can remove toxins that cause everything from allergies to cancer. As your body processes denatured foods or food combinations that are difficult for digestion, your colon becomes more lined with mucoid plaque. Getting a deep colon cleanses may remove this plaque for improved digestion, better absorption of nutrients from food and more efficient processing of toxins.


Your doctor can safely perform a colon cleansing or evacuation for medical screening or surgery. However, when you undertake a deep colon cleanse alone, you may risk your health unnecessarily. Over-enthusiastic cleansing can lead to serious complications, such as bowel tears from supplements, infections from enemas or dehydration from fasting. Gastroenterologist Michael F. Picco, M.D. at the Mayo Clinic warns that people with kidney or heart diseases should avoid colon cleanses altogether.


If you decide the benefits of a deep cleanse will help you feel better, prepare fully for the best chance of success. Start by staying well hydrated regularly. Review the full contents of any supplements you may take. Talk to your doctor about any possible contraindications with your present health situation. If you decide to fast, ease into it with light meals, then juicing. No matter what cleansing method you choose, even if you fast entirely, drink plenty of water throughout the cleanse. You'll help stave off problems and help your body detoxify more efficiently.


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