Kaiser Weight Loss Plan

Kaiser Permanente -- a managed-care consortium -- offers a medically supervised weight-loss plan to help you reach and maintain your long-term weight goals. The program is for people who need to lose at least 40 pounds and want to make lasting lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy weight.

Janet Renee, MS, RD
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Can You Lose Weight In Basic Training?

Basic training, or boot camp, can provide the ideal setting for weight loss because recruits will perform regular, vigorous physical activity and have healthy meal options from which to choose.

Sunny Griffis
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How Long to See Results From an Elliptical?

Cardiovascular exercise improves your health, function and positively affects your total body weight. Changing your physique will take time because unfortunately your body does not change over night, even with regular sessions on the elliptical.

Bethany Kochan
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How Do Quick Weight Loss Centers Work?

Quick Weight Loss is a program based in South Florida, first made famous by Rush Limbaugh’s success in 2009. These centers are exclusively located in Florida; however, an online version of the program is available for anyone outside of the area. DietsInReview.

Kristeen Cherney
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Weight Loss Camps for Kids in Ohio

Overweight children have lower self-esteem and more health problems than kids of a normal weight. You can help your child overcome these issues with a weight loss camp for kids. Ohio has several weight loss camps and fitness camps that kids can attend. Many of these camps offer nutrition counseling as well.

Kristle Jones
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What Is the Average Weekly Loss for Weight Watchers?

Weight Watchers is a complete dietary program designed to help you lose weight in a healthful, practical and relatively inexpensive way. The Weight Watchers founder, Jean Nidetch, started the organization from her New York home in the 1960s.

Diane Lynn
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