Directions for a Timex Ironman Triathlon Watch

Ironman is a brand name for health and activity monitoring watches produced by Timex Group USA. The Ironman name comes from the triathlon of the same name. The Ironman series includes models designed for fitness and aimed at athletes, especially those who compete in triathlons.

Darla Ferrara
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What to Wear to a Sprint Triathlon

When you combine three sports that usually require three different types of performance wear into one competition, you're bound to be confused.

Andrea Cespedes
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Nutrition for Half Ironman Training

Even though it's a half Ironman that you're training for, it's still a tough endurance race and one that requires the same attention to training that you would give if it were a full Ironman. Also known as the 70.3, the half Ironman includes the same swim, bike and run as the full but at half the distance.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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The Best Beginner Triathlon Bikes

Deciding to compete in your first triathlon is exciting. To properly train for and compete in a triathlon, you will need gear for swimming, biking and running. The biking portion of the triathlon requires the most expensive gear and the vast selection of triathlon bikes can be overwhelming.

Jeremy Hoefs
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