Benefits of Cytomel and Levothyroxine

The thyroid gland, which is found in the neck, produces a hormone that keep cells healthy. When the thyroid isn’t able to produce enough of that hormone, a condition called hypothyroidism, doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

Marcia Veach
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Can Hard Exercise Influence TSH Levels?

TSH stands for thyroid-stimulating hormone. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain, and starts a complex process that regulates endocrine function throughout the rest of the body.

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Natural Alternatives to Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid gland affects every tissue in your body. Positioned at the front of the throat over the windpipe, this wing-shaped gland regulates the body's metabolism and calcium balance, according to

Christy Callahan
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Importance of Exercise With Thyroid Disease

The thyroid is a small gland located in the lower part of the neck that secrets hormones, mainly triiodothyronine, or T3; and thyroxine, or T4. When the thyroid malfunctions, hormone levels, metabolism, energy and weight can fluctuate.

Marnie Kunz
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Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Men

Your thyroid gland is small structure in the front of your neck, just above your collarbone. Its importance for your health and well-being is far out of proportion to its size. The thyroid makes hormones that regulate the rate at which your cells burn nutrients and perform various functions.

Joanne Marie
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The Dosage of Kelp for Thyroid Function

Kelp supplements are sometimes used to help treat thyroid disorders, but dosages vary. It is always important to follow dosing instructions on the bottle no matter what supplement you are taking, but it is especially important with kelp. Concentrations vary, and the maximum daily dose is federally regulated.

Angela Brady
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How Raw Cabbage Affects Your Thyroid

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits near your vocal cords and produces the T3 and T4 hormones that control your metabolism. To make these hormones, your body uses iodine -- about 80 percent of the iodine you consume is used by your thyroid.

Maura Shenker
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High Protein Diet & Thyroid

The thyroid gland, located near the "Adam's apple" in your neck, has the vital function of controlling your body's metabolism. Diseases that impair the function of this gland can lead to depression, fatigue, weight gain, joint pain, hair loss, slowing of your metabolism and increased risk for heart disease.

Julie Warren, PT
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Foods That Raise Thyroid Levels

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that affect your metabolism, weight, muscle strength, brain development, cholesterol levels and many other body functions. The two main thyroid hormones are triiodothyronine, or T3, and thyroxine, or T4.

Jamie Yacoub
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The Best Supplements for Low Thyroid

The thyroid gland synthesizes and secretes hormones that are responsible for regulating energy production, metabolic rate and body heat production, among other things. Thus, people with low thyroid hormone levels often experience fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance and a variety of other symptoms.

Veronica Porterfield
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Oats & Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck. Although small in size, it plays a significant role in your wellness by producing hormones that help regulate your metabolism, energy level, mood and body temperature.

August McLaughlin
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How to Get the Thyroid Working Without Medicine

An underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism, is a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to produce necessary levels of hormones needed by the body to function properly. In the long term, hypothyroidism can cause obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease.

Jody Braverman
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