Exercises for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

The tibialis posterior muscle runs down the tibia bone at the front of your lower leg, wraps around your inner ankle and attaches at the bottom of your foot. Posterior tibial tendonitis is an inflammation of the tibial tendon, and is a common injury among runners and soccer players.

Joshua McCarron
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Eccentric Exercises for Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendinitis affects the tendon that connects your knee cap -- the patella -- to your shin bone, according to MayoClinic.com. The patella is responsible for extension of your lower leg. Patellar tendinitis is frequently seen in athletes who do a lot of jumping, including basketball and volleyball players.

Michelle Zehr
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Exercises for Tendonitis in the Fingers

Tendonitis is a condition marked by swelling tendons, which are connective tissues that attach muscles to bones. Finger tendonitis is characterized by pain and swelling in the finger tendons.

Marnie Kunz
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How to Strengthen the Patella Tendon

The patellar tendon connects the quadriceps muscles, the tibia or shinbone, and the patella or kneecap. Because activities such as running and jumping require frequent use of the knee joints, athletes need to strengthen the area around the patellar tendon to minimize the risk of developing an injury.

Daniel Barrows
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Forearm Tendonitis Exercises

Tendons connect muscles to bone, and forearm tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons in the forearm. There are a number of potential causes of forearm tendonitis, including overuse of the forearm muscles, injury to your arm, or simply aging.

LaRue Cook
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Glucosamine & Tendonitis

A tendon is a thick, fibrous cord that connects muscles to bone in your body. Tendonitis is the painful inflammation of a tendon secondary to injury. The most commonly affected tendons are located in the shoulders, elbows, wrists and heels. Untreated tendonitis can progress to a tendon rupture.

Jacques Courseault
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Safe Exercises for Someone With Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendonitis -- also spelled tendinitis -- is the inflammation of the tendon that connects the patella, or kneecap, to the top of the tibia, or shinbone.

Rick Rockwell
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What Do Professional Basketball Players Do With Jumper's Knee?

Professional basketball players compete in 82 games during the regular season and their knees take a tremendous amount of abuse over the course of the year. When a player's patellar tendon swells from jumping or falling, it causes a condition referred to as jumper's knee or patellar tendinitis.

Steve Silverman
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Knee Tendonitis Exercises

Knee tendonitis is an inflammation of the knee tendons. The knee is the most vital joint in your body. If the tendons are inflamed, it can cause pain and hinder movement. There are a variety of exercises you can do to relieve the pain of knee tendonitis.

Jennifer M. Roberts
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Hand Tendon Exercises

Tendons are tissues that connect muscles to bone. The hand contains two types of tendons: flexor and extensor tendons. Extensor tendons extend from your forearms to the back of your fingers and thumbs, enabling you to straighten your fingers and thumbs.

Chekwube Ndubisi
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Supplements to Heal Tendinitis

Tendinitis involves painful inflammation of a tendon and its ligaments, commonly in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle or hip area. Tendinitis may result from repetitive movements or appear suddenly, a condition known as acute tendinitis.

August McLaughlin
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Torn Tendons & Ligaments From Hyperextension

Hyperextension is an injury that occurs when a joint is extended beyond its normal range of motion. While commonly referred to as a sports injury, hyperextension can be a result of both athletic and non-athletic activities.

Mona Arabshahi
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