Foods You Can Eat After Heart Bypass

Heart bypass surgery, also called coronary bypass surgery, is performed to restore blood flow to your heart when a section of an artery in your heart is blocked. If you have heart disease, bypass surgery is one of multiple potential treatment options.

Siddhi Camila Lama
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Belly Button Pain After Eating Food

Your belly button is located directly in front of your lower-digestive system, and its pain could be sign of a digestive health condition. The most probable causes of belly button pain after eating include gas pains, a stomach ulcer and food intolerances. Candidiasis or a hernia are also possibilities.

Diane Marks
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Stomach Pain After Eating Spicy Food

Spicy foods can trigger stomach discomfort, particularly in people who already have gastrointestinal disorders. Understanding why the pain occurs can provide insight into strategies to prevent or ease this pain.

James Patterson
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What Happens to Your Body After You Eat a Block of Chocolate?

Chocolate has long satisfied the cravings of many people who have a “sweet tooth,” and in ages past, chocolate was prescribed by village medicine men for a variety of ailments.

Kirk Maltbee
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The Best Foods to Eat After Throwing Up

Mild vomiting is often managed at home, with the priority of replacing fluids and electrolytes to prevent or treat dehydration. The transition back to eating solid foods can begin when the appetite returns, and food choices can be based on individual preference.

Sara Ipatenco
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Causes of Stomach Pain, Nausea and Dizziness

Stomach pain and nausea accompanied by dizziness tend to point to a more concerning underlying illness than your garden-variety stomach bug. Most causes involve digestive system conditions.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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Stomach Pains After Running

Runners most often experience two distinct varieties of stomach pain after running: abdominal muscle cramps or "stitches," and gastrointestinal pain such as indigestion.

Martin Booe
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Pain in the Ovaries After Running

Although, as a runner, you might expect to feel soreness or pain in the legs or abdominal muscles, experiencing ovarian pain after a run can cause you to feel concerned. Pain in the ovaries might indicate an ovarian or another gynecological disorder, a medical issue unrelated to the ovaries or a dietary problem.

Jessica Lietz
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What Causes Hiccups After Eating?

The diaphragm is a large muscle at the base of the lungs that contracts every time a person breathes in. As the diaphragm contracts, it becomes flatter. This allows the lungs to expand, causing air to be sucked in. Hiccups are involuntary contractions, or spasms, of the diaphragm.

August McLaughlin
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Stomach Aches & Back Pain

Stomach aches and back pain can make you feel terrible, particularly when they occur together. As they are both common problems, when abdominal and back pain occur at the same time, it may be just a coincidence. But several medical conditions can cause both symptoms.

Dr. Robert Petros
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How to Treat Diarrhea & Stomach Pain in Children

Diarrhea and stomach pain are often present together in children, especially when the diarrhea is caused by bacteria or a virus. The website Keep Kids Healthy says that most cases of diarrhea resolve on their own, and a parent can make the child comfortable at home while she's sick.

Sarah Harding
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Why Do I Get Indigestion After Eating White Bread?

Stomach discomfort after eating takes the pleasure away from a normally enjoyable experience. Your symptoms may be an indication of disease or a temporary inability to digest certain ingredients.

Chris Dinesen Rogers
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