How to Get a Roommate to Stop Snoring

If you're living with a snoring roommate, your sleep may be compromised. If you've tried earplugs, putting a pillow over your head, and sleeping in the living room, you may feel that your only other option is moving out. Instead, open up the communication and discuss the problem with your roommate.

Megan Smith
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Exercises to Completely Stop Snoring

Snoring not only keeps you and your spouse up at night — it can be dangerous to your health. Loud snoring can increase your daytime fatigue and cause you to stop breathing as you sleep, which can affect your heart. If you snore with your mouth closed, this can indicate a problem with your tongue positioning.

Rachel Nall
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What Are the Treatments for Child Snoring at Night?

If your child snores on occasion, it's completely normal and can be easily remedied. However, if your child snores persistently, have her checked out for a more serious medical condition. Snoring in children can be a symptom of sleep apnea. This serious sleep issue affects a child's breathing at night.

Carolyn Williams
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