Early Warning Signs of a Seizure

A seizure is an abnormal burst of electrical activity in the brain. While some seizures cause no symptoms, others produce movements or changes in behavior, sensation or level of consciousness. When seizures occur repeatedly, this usually indicates a seizure disorder, or epilepsy.

J. Lucy Boyd
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Nocturnal Seizure Signs & Symptoms

Seizures that occur at night, or nocturnal seizures, are usually due to epilepsy and can significantly effect the ability to get a good night's rest. However, there are other sleep disorders that cause similar symptoms, which may be misdiagnosed as nocturnal seizures.

Lori Newell
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How to Recognize Absence Seizures in Children With Autism

Absence seizures are caused by electrical misfiring in the brain and typically do not involve a loss of consciousness. However, a person who has experienced an absence seizure is unlikely to remember the seizure or what occurred during the seizure.

Jae Allen
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What Drugs Can Cause Seizures?

The Epilepsy Foundation states that each year, 300,000 people have their first seizure, a brain condition in which patients have abnormal electrical activity. When a seizure interferes with the brain's electrical activity, it disrupts normal communication between the brain and the body.

Lia Stannard
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About Seizures During Sleep

Seizures are due to electrical activity in the brain, which results in changes in consciousness and movement. Symptoms of seizures vary in patients: some patients may just have a staring spell, while others may experience twitching in their limbs.

Lia Stannard
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Infant Seizures Signs & Symptoms

A seizure is a characteristic symptom of epilepsy and may be caused by birth defects, problems during pregnancy or delivery, illness, fevers, infections and poisons in the body.

Noreen Kassem
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