Parenting: What to Do When Your Child Is Kissing Another Child

Kissing is a form of affection, and many children kiss others because they want to show their love. Children enjoy being kissed because it means that someone cares about them.

Sara Ipatenco
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Examples of Authoritarian Parenting

If you are a parent, chances are you fall into one of four parenting categories: permissive, uninvolved, authoritative and authoritarian. The permissive parent, the least demanding of the group, tends to be highly responsive to his child's emotional needs.

Jonae Fredericks
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How to Get Children to Stop Biting the Inside of Their Mouths

Many children and adults have nervous habits that can cause physical harm. Deliberate cheek or tongue biting might fit into this category. There could be a physical cause for this habit, it may occur from nervousness or a youngster might bite the inside of her mouth accidentally.

Sharon Perkins
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A Bruised Belly Button While Pregnant

During pregnancy you may notice a variety of changes to your skin. Some people may comment on the sudden glow on your face, a positive transformation reflecting your inner joy. Other changes, such as stretch marks, acne and varicose veins, represent the unwanted effects of pregnancy.

Stephanie Chandler
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The Impact of Parenting Styles on Children's Development

How you respond to and discipline your children greatly affects how they develop, both cognitively and socially. A child’s development process is influenced by a mixture of all the stimuli he comes into contact with, both with individuals and with his environment.

Ayra Moore
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How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding After Giving Birth

After watching your belly grow for nearly 10 months, you may be eager to lose baby weight. While breastfeeding may actually expedite your weight loss, you shouldn't make a concentrated effort to shed pounds during the first two months postpartum.

Carolyn Robbins
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Belly Button Discoloration in a Newborn

A discolored bellybutton -- usually blue or purplish -- is caused by an umbilical hernia. Ten percent of newborns, particularly girls and infants with African heritage, have umbilical hernias. These hernias are usually painless, and they often disappear on their own by age 2.

Natalie Smith
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Is It OK if My Newborn Baby's Belly Button Is Bleeding?

A baby's belly button may bleed a little in the days following birth. A few spots of blood is usually okay. However, if your baby's belly button keeps bleeding weeks after birth, bleeds heavily or shows signs of inflammation, then it may indicate another condition.

Peter Mitchell
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Long-Term Effects of Spoiling Children

As a parent, you want to give your kids everything their heart's desire to make them happy, but parents who give too much, too often can spoil their children. Spoiling your children can be harmful to them, both socially and developmentally.

Brenda Scottsdale
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Will My Belly Button Go Back to Normal if It Popped Out While Pregnant?

Your body undergoes a number of changes when you are pregnant. While your growing stomach may seem the most obvious, another aspect of your stomach can change: your belly button. It isn’t uncommon for your belly button to start to stick out.

Rachel Nall
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Belly Button Discharge in Newborns

At birth, the doctor clamps and cuts the umbilical cord, leaving behind a small stump that eventually falls off. In most newborns, the belly button heals on its own without any complications.

Shelley Frost
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How to Solve a Baby's Spitting Up After Burping

Some spitting up after feeding is normal in babies and does not interfere with growth or health. Spitting up is sometimes a nuisance, however; it stains all sorts of fabrics and simply makes quite a mess.

Sandra Ketcham
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