How to Treat Elevated Liver Enzymes ALT & AST

Elevated liver enzymes usually are not a life-threatening condition, but high ALT and AST do warrant prompt medical attention.

Lynn Hetzler
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Are There Certain Vitamins that Help Decrease Liver Enzymes?

Liver enzymes may become elevated for several reasons, including over-consuming alcohol, taking prescription medication or developing an infection. While sometimes this is a temporary issue, liver enzymes that are elevated for extended periods of time can damage health.

Christine Garvin
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Liver Function and Cholesterol Levels

The biggest threats to Americans' health cause no pain or discomfort, but they lead to deadly heart attacks, strokes and liver disease. Two simple blood tests that analyze cholesterol levels and liver health can uncover these silent threats that plague more than half of all Americans.

Sarah Terry
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Does Creatine Affect the Liver?

Creatine is predominantly marketed as a supplement to improve athletic performance and increase muscle mass.

Erin Connelly
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7 Functions of the Liver

The liver is a four-lobed, triangular-shaped organ weighing a little more than 3 pounds. It is the largest gland in the human body, according to The liver is part of the gastrointestinal system and is located in the upper abdomen to the right of the stomach.

Kalli Harrison
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How to Flush Your Liver With Olive Oil & Lemon Juice

Your liver is a vital organ; liver functions include filtering harmful substances, such as alcohol and caffeine, from your blood and storing vitamins and minerals. Liver and gallbladder cleanses are popular, yet controversial, methods of promoting liver health.

Jason Marcus
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Phentermine Effects on Liver Function

Phentermine hydrochloride is the generic name of a prescription weight-loss drug. The medicine, which suppresses your appetite, is designed to support a diet program that includes regular exercise and nutritious meals.

Emma Watkins
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Elevated Liver Enzymes and Alcohol

Your liver is located in the upper right-hand portion of your abdominal cavity, just beneath the diaphragm and on top of the stomach. It is a dark reddish-brown color and weighs approximately 3 lbs. At any given time, the liver has about 13 percent of the body's total blood supply in it.

Gail Morris
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Can Creatine Cause High Liver Enzymes?

Enzymes are specialized proteins in your body that support life by vastly increasing the speed of a wide range of basic chemical reactions. Your liver contains three prominent enzymes that can appear in elevated amounts in your bloodstream when your liver cells are damaged.

M. Gideon Hoyle
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Elevated Liver Enzymes & Itchy Skin

Elevated liver enzymes generally indicate some abnormality with the organ. Your liver enzymes rise when damage to liver cells releases them into the bloodstream. You often experience itching skin if you have severe jaundice, another indicator of liver disease.

Sharon Perkins
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Supplements for Liver Health

The liver, your largest internal organ, performs many vital functions, including ridding the body of harmful chemicals, aiding in digestion and producing important proteins.

Ryan Biddulph
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Elevated Liver Enzymes & Mono

Infectious mononucleosis, commonly abbreviated as just "mono," is a viral illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is one of the most common viral illnesses in humans. One of the effects of this infection is liver inflammation.

Ruben J. Nazario
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