Causes of Leg Pain When Climbing Stairs

Climbing stairs or ladders may cause leg pain. While this pain often subsides immediately, in some cases it may indicate a more serious injury. A muscle strain in one or more of the quadriceps muscles represents the most common cause of leg pain from stair climbing. Other possible injuries include inflammation of the rectus femoris tendon or iliotibial band syndrome.

Emma Cale
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Causes of Pain at the Top of the Calf

Pain at the top of your calf can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from harmless and to potentially life-threatening conditions. Here's what you need to know about the causes of this symptom.

Aubrey Bailey
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Recovery Tips for Calf Pain From Running

A calf strain or pull can sideline you from running, but there are several ways to help recover faster. In order to heal the injury properly, as well as to help prevent future injury, rest and stretching are key.

Aubrey Bailey
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How to Reduce Calf Pain When Running

Calf pain is a common complaint among runners. Your calf is actually a group of two muscles located in the back of your lower leg. Straining or tearing the muscles creates discomfort ranging from a mild aching when running to a sharp pain even at rest.

Henry Halse
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Causes for Leg Pain When Using a Treadmill

When the weather is too hot during the summer, rainy in the spring, or cold and snowing in the winter, the treadmill often replaces the outdoor track or road. The treadmill helps you continue running, jogging or walking during conditions where running outside is not necessarily an option.

Martin Booe
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Leg Veins and Pain After Exercise

If you find your legs continue to hurt after exercising, it’s possible you may have an underlying blood vessel disorder.

Bonnie Singleton
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Causes of Only One Lower Leg Swelling With Pain

Pain and swelling affecting only one lower leg most often occur because of an injury to the leg or a medical condition that affects just that leg. Several conditions, many of which are serious, can produce these symptoms.

Sharon Perkins
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Pain in My Leg When Climbing Steps or Crossing My Legs

When you are climbing stairs or crossing your legs, you may feel pain due to an underlying medical disorder or injury. Contact your doctor about the pain and let him know about any other symptoms you are having.

Heather Topham Wood
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Which Vitamin Is Good for Pain in the Legs?

Leg pain has a number of causes, from exercise to nerve damage caused by an injury or diabetes. It may also be the result of a condition known as restless leg syndrome -- or RLS.

Michelle Zehr
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Lower Calf Pain in Children

Complaints of pain in the lower calf from a child often elicit concern from parents due to fears of illness or injury. Fortunately, most cases of lower calf pain in children are not a cause for medical concern and resolve within a few minutes to a day or two.

Jessica Lietz
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Causes of Leg & Arm Pain

There are numerous causes of arm and leg pain. According to the U.S.

Martin Hughes
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Causes of Heel & Leg Pain

Leg and heel pain can hinder a person's mobility and cause a lot of pain. There can many reasons for pain in the leg and the heel, some injuries will need medical care while other injuries will heal with home treatment.

Janelle Vaesa
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