Relief From Stomach Bloating & Gas

Stomach bloating and gas are uncomfortable, and can be embarrassing--as well as difficult to live with. Although bloating and gas can sometimes be painful, the problem is not life-threatening and can be resolved.

Bronwyn Ellison
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Why Do I Have Gas When Losing Weight?

Flatulence, the medical term for passing gas from the intestines, is a normal, healthy occurrence. Occasionally, flatulence becomes excessive, and interferes with daily activities.

J. Lucy Boyd
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Why Does Raw Zucchini Cause So Much Intestinal Gas?

Zucchini belongs to the same family of vegetables as melons, cucumbers and pumpkins. You can eat cooked zucchini on its own or in dishes such as breads, pastas and casseroles. You can also eat zucchini raw; according to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, the vegetable is best when fresh.

Max Whitmore
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Can Spaghetti Make Your Stomach Gassy?

No one likes having gas because it can cause embarrassment and discomfort. Although you may not consider spaghetti to be a gas-forming food, certain ingredients and digestive conditions may trigger excess gas.

Diane Marks
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Can Sugar Cause Bloating & Painful Gas?

Digestive complaints such as bloating and painful gas may be the result of medical conditions, as well as a poor diet and inactive lifestyle. Although everybody reacts differently to different foods, sugar is a frequent trigger for stomach bloat and flatulence.

Jennifer Andrews
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Baking Soda For Gas, Bloating and Indigestion

Indigestion, gas and bloating are common symptoms that have a variety of causes, including the consumption of certain foods. Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate, the active ingredient in some antacid medications.

Laura Wallace Henderson
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Does Taking Vitamin D Promote Bloating & Gas?

Vitamin D is essential for your immune system and bone health, and if you do not get an adequate amount in your diet, you may need to take a supplement. However, because vitamin D is fat-soluble, your body stores the excess, which can lead to a toxicity if you take too much.

Lynne Sheldon
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Remedies for Gas, Bloating & Cramps

Gas, bloating and cramps are symptoms that generally present together. An individual will feel bloated when too much gas forms in the stomach and intestines. The stomach area feels full and uncomfortable. This can sometimes lead to cramping when the gas travels further down the lower intestines.

Gail Morris
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Do Laxatives Help With Gas?

Laxatives are substances typically used to relieve constipation in people unable to achieve regular bowel movements. According to the Mayo Clinic, normal bowel movements vary among individuals but generally range from one to three per day.

Jennifer Andrews
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Excess Abdominal Gas in Children

Excess abdominal gas in children, also called flatulence, is very common and is typically easy to cure. Gas is primarily made of odorless vapors, including carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and sometimes methane. Excess gas and gas that you can’t pass may cause intense abdominal pain.

Christina McDonald-Legg
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Raisins & Intestinal Gas

Raisins are a healthful treat that when taken in moderation can reduce your risk of heart disease, says an article in the June 2013 issue of "Journal of Food Medicine." For some people, however, eating raisins can lead to intestinal gas, which can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Solomon Branch
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Coffee & Flatulence

If you're like most people, a cup or two of morning coffee is a ritual, primarily due to its caffeine content. For some people, however, drinking coffee can cause flatulence. The caffeine in the coffee could be the culprit, but it could also be something added to the coffee, such as milk, that's to blame.

Solomon Branch
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