Y Linked Genetic Diseases

Every human being has 46 chromosomes, including two chromosomes (X ,Y) that determine gender. The Y chromosome is unique to males. Inheriting an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father makes the child male.

Carole Wegner
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What Are the Benefits of Vitamin E for Infertility?

Approximately 6.1 million people in the United States experience infertility, which is defined as trying to get pregnant for at least a year without success, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Infertility can occur for any number of reasons, but certain nutrients can increase your odds of conception.

Sara Ipatenco
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Signs of Sterility in Males

When a couple is unable to conceive after a year of unprotected sex, infertility is likely the problem. Men are as likely to be sterile as women are, according to the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. Certain factors can raise the risks of sterility in males.

Rica Lewis
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