List of Foods High in Fructose

People with fructose intolerance and fructose malabsorption may need to avoid foods high in fructose. Everyone should avoid foods containing high-fructose corn syrup.

Jody Braverman
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How to Calm a Baby's Upset Stomach From Solid Food

Watching your baby suffer after a meal is a painful experience for a parent, but you are not powerless to help. There are many factors to consider when your baby starts solids; deciphering the origin of the discomfort is the first step in calming your baby's upset stomach.

Juliet Wilkinson
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Do Mints Help an Upset Stomach?

Mints are herbs long known in folklore for their ability to calm an upset stomach. While the mint family includes many culinary herbs such as rosemary and oregano, digestive remedies, such as mint candies, teas and oils, most often use peppermint and spearmint.

Kira Jaines
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What Do You Give Toddlers Who Have an Upset Stomach?

A toddler can develop an upset stomach after eating spoiled food, in response to an infection or as a reaction to motion sickness or overeating. No matter what the cause, dealing with a child who doesn't feel good puts stress on everyone in the family.

Bridget Coila
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Protein Digestive Problems

All foods and beverages contain certain proteins that are specific to that food or beverage. If your body cannot digest -- or experiences an allergic reaction after you ingest -- certain proteins, you will develop digestive symptoms.

Diane Marks
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Problems Digesting Fatty Foods

Numerous health problems are associated with impaired fat digestion. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, or NIDDK, fat molecules are a rich source of energy for your body. Many of your organs participate in the digestion of fatty foods.

Martin Hughes
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Baking Soda Home Remedies for Stomach Gas

Baking soda is a common household ingredient, but it is also a chemical compound that reacts with many things. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is often used as a home remedy for stomach gas because it reacts with stomach acid to produce carbon dioxide, another gas.

Dawn Runge
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Digestive Problems From Onions & Garlic

Eating onions and garlic regularly may give you a wide array of health benefits, from preventing cancer and heart disease to treating infections, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.

Whitney Hopler
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Is Popcorn Bad If You Have Digestive Problems?

Popcorn is a healthy snack, because it provides few calories but a significant amount of fiber, which aids digestion.

Stan Mack
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Does Your Stomach Get Upset When You Start Dieting?

Whenever you suddenly change the way you eat, you may develop gastrointestinal symptoms, such as upset stomach. Various factors cause digestive problems, which may include nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Diane Marks
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Bland Diets for Upset Stomachs

Bland foods may not be appetizing, but they are ideal for an upset stomach. They allow your stomach and intestines to heal. An upset stomach is commonly referred to as gastroenteritis. The condition is common and has a variety of causes ranging from viruses to eating contaminated food to taking certain medications.

Julie Hampton
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Constant Gas & an Upset Stomach

Gas is a normal part of life, but excessive gas accompanied by an upset stomach might interfere with daily life. The inability to expel gas can lead to intense stomach pains. Although gas cannot be prevented, you can reduce the amount of gas you produce.

Angela Lang
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