How to Dry Sage in the Oven

Sage, or Salvia officinalis, is an aromatic, perennial herb that grows easily in warm, dry climates. A sturdy, long-stemmed herb, sage is easily dried by air drying in a warm, dry room, or with a microwave oven or food dehydrator. You can also use your home oven to dry sage quickly and evenly.

M.H. Dyer
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What Are the Functions of Dry Oregano?

Oregano, or Origanum vulgare, is a low-growing herbaceous plant with aromatic leaves, often used for flavoring dishes. Though best known for its characteristic use on pizzas, oregano is also used in various traditions of herbal medicine, and it graces many an herb garden, where its strong aroma keeps away insect pests.

Danielle Hill
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Can Spices Cause a Miscarriage?

Some spices could cause miscarriage or early pregnancy loss, but not because of their spicy flavor. Many spices and herbs stimulate uterine contractions or uterine bleeding, which can cause very early miscarriage or later pregnancy loss.

Sharon Perkins
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Ground Cumin Allergy

Ground cumin and whole cumin seeds are commonly used to add flavor to foods, especially in Indian, Middle Eastern and North African cooking. Allergies to cumin and other spices are relatively rare, but can develop in older children and adults.

Hazel Mollison
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The Benefits of Paprika

Paprika -- made by grinding capsicum peppers into a fine powder -- adds vibrant red color and a rich, pungent flavor to a variety of meals. At 19 calories per tablespoon, paprika adds only a negligible amount to your daily calorie intake, but it comes packed with nutrients.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Can Eating Cayenne Pepper Help Unclog Arteries?

Cayenne pepper contains a number of compounds, including capsaicin. The presence of capsaicin accounts for the spiciness or burning of cayenne pepper on the palette, since the compound interacts with nerve cells responsible for sensing heat. In addition to its spicy properties, capsaicin can also benefit your health.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Basil Allergy Reasons

Basil allergies are rare, but the symptoms of this malady can be just as distressing as those of common food sensitivities. Reactions can cause hives, welts on the face and mouth, runny nose, itchy eyes, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting shortly after consumption.

Kylene Arnold
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Nutritional Facts on Sweet Sesame Seed Balls

Sweet sesame seed balls are a Chinese sweet treat usually eaten on special occasions such as Chinese New Year. Only a few ingredients are needed to make sweet sesame seed balls, including brown candy -- also known as peen tong -- glutinous rice flour, red bean paste and sesame seeds.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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Ginger And Ulcers

Ginger, a spice obtained from the root of Zingiber officinale, is native to southeastern Asia but now grows throughout the tropical regions of the Unites States, West Indies, China and India.

Karyn Maier
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Can Cayenne Pepper Hurt Your Stomach?

Cayenne pepper is a chili pepper that belongs to the nightshade family of plants, which includes paprika, tomato and eggplant. The peppers are dried and powdered and used to make hot sauces and add spicy heat to foods, such as Buffalo-style chicken wings.

Karyn Maier
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The Nutrition Data on Yellow Thai Curry

Thai cuisine varies widely throughout Thailand, but nearly all regions have curry dishes. When you go to a Thai restaurant, you are almost certain to encounter red, green or yellow curries with possible ingredients such as noodles, high-protein foods, vegetables, spices, peanuts and coconut sauce.

Natalie Stein
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Lemon Water & Cayenne Pepper Detox

Some people will try almost anything to lose weight, including drinking lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Lemon juice and cayenne peppers are major components of the Master Cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet. Laxatives are recommended morning and evening to encourage bowel movements.

Jody Braverman
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