Health Benefits of Muscadine Grapes

When you pop into your local market for some grapes, you’re far more likely to head home with the green or red seedless variety than with a bunch of muscadines.

Jody Braverman
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Black Seedless Grapes Nutrition

Like green and red grapes, the majority of the calories in black grapes come from carbohydrates. You can eat black grapes raw or use them to make jams or wine. Values listed are for 1.5 cups California black seedless grapes. Values, especially the fiber content, may vary if the skin is removed.

Jodi Thornton-O'Connell
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Antioxidants in Concord Vs. Red Grapes

A small, deep purple grape variety, known as the Concord, is the only grape native to North America. Grown originally in Concord, Massachusetts, this little berry has shown promising health benefits due to its high antioxidant content. But is it better than red table grapes?

Elizabeth Jarrard
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Can Kids Be Allergic to Grapes?

Although grapes don't make the "top eight" allergy list like more common allergens, such as milk, wheat and nuts, kids can develop a grape allergy. However, your child may not have a grape allergy but a reaction to other substances on the grapes.

Sharon Perkins
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Grapes in Smoothies

When you need a quick snack to fuel up, a fruit smoothie provides a nutrient-rich option. Adding a cup of fresh grapes to the blender gives the smoothie a sweet flavor and helps you meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s daily recommendation of 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit each day.

Jennifer Dlugos
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Black Grapes Vs. Red Grapes

Grapes originate from Central Asia and the Mediterranean. They grow on a woody vine in large clusters. The come in green, blue, red, black and golden varieties, the most common being the red. All dark-skinned grapes contain antioxidants that are beneficial for your health.

Corinna Underwood
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Nutritional Value of Green Seedless Grapes

Crunchy, sweet and juicy, green seedless grapes satisfy a multitude of cravings, which may be why Americans like them so much. On average, Americans eat 8 pounds of grapes a year, according to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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How Many Calories Are in Mogen David Concord Grape Wine?

If you're drinking kosher wine to help celebrate a holiday, you may wonder how many calories you're imbibing in the sweet beverage. Mogen David Concord grape wine contains more calories than white wine but no more than some red vintages.

Milo Dakota
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How Many Calories Per Grape?

Paintings of Greek mythology often depict the deities supping on bunches of grapes. The sweet fruits were considered worthy of the gods for good reason. Grapes are an excellent source potassium, calcium and vitamin A. The juicy orbs are also a delicious, low-calorie treat in your daily diet.

Carolyn Robbins
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Nutritional Facts About Concord Grapes

Bunches of fresh grapes are a common sight in American grocery stores, but the Produce for Better Health Foundation reports that most grape varieties originated in other areas of the world.

Jennifer Dlugos
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