Medications That Cause Fatty Liver

Fatty liver occurs when triglyceride--a form of fat--accumulates within the liver cells. This condition, also known as steatosis, may lead to persistent inflammation and liver damage.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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Does Fatty Liver Disease Cause Severe Pain & Muscle Spasms?

Fatty liver disease generally doesn't cause major -- or even noticeable -- symptoms. However, if the disease progresses to cirrhosis of the liver, the damage done to your liver could cause severe abdominal pain and muscle spasms.

J.M. Andrews
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Insomnia and Fatty Liver

Insomnia is characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. If you have insomnia, then you likely do not feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning. This is common among people with fatty liver disease.

Sarka-Jonae Miller
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What Are the Symptoms of a Bad Liver?

The liver is a major organ in the body and is responsible for many major functions including detoxification of the blood. Foods, medications and drinks all contain substances that are deemed harmful to the body and the liver is the organ which cleanses these substances out of the blood.

Iva Gutowski
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