What Does a Light Menstrual Period Mean?

Complaints about the menstrual cycle usually center around irregular cycles, the discomfort of premenstrual syndrome, or painful, heavy periods. Light or scanty periods don't get as much attention, although these are also a menstrual abnormality.

Leigh A. Zaykoski
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Early Period and Cramping

An early period with cramps might signal nothing more than a short cycle or a side effect of certain forms of birth control. Endometriosis, fibroids and early pregnancy are other considerations.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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Conception to Implantation Symptoms

Implantation occurs about six to 12 days after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Implantation is the term used to describe the attaching of the fertilized egg to the woman's uterus, an important first step in the process of developing the fetus into a baby.

Sarah Harding
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Can Exercising Cause You to Start Your Period Early?

Several hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in the brain and the ovaries regulate the menstrual cycle. This regulatory system is called the HPO axis.

Sabrina Stapleton
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Herbs to Make Menstrual Cycle Come Early

Women of all ages have historically used emmenogogues--herbs that stimulate menstrual flow--to regulate the menstrual cycle. Herbal emmenogogues can act as emergency contraceptives or as treatments for oligomenorrhea (light, infrequent menstruation).

Juniper Russo
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Can Being on a Diet Affect Getting Your Period Early?

From time to time, you may experience a period that comes late or early. This is perfectly normal and most women will experience this due to stress, changes in hormone levels or after pregnancy. The period can also come early due to dieting or rapid weight loss.

April Khan
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Ways to Delay a Menstrual Period

The modern woman gets to choose if and when she menstruates, thanks to medicine's understanding of the human hormonal systems. This means that should you have an important event like a wedding or vacation, you can use hormones to delay your menstrual cycle.

Lillian Downey
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Causes of an Early Menstrual Period

Most women have an idea of when they should expect their next period, but there is always a possibility that it may come earlier than anticipated. Periods come every 23 to 35 days, but a woman may be irregular and start her period early one month and late the next, according to the website 34 Menopause Symptoms.

R. Y. Langham, Ph.D.
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How to Get Rid of Menstrual Period Odor

Menstrual odor is usually mild and not detectable by those around you. Still, occasionally it may be strong enough to become problematic, and you need to take steps to eliminate it. If no infection is present, this means just a few simple changes in your menstrual routine.

Lillian Downey
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