10 Easy Sweet Potato Recipes From Harissa Fries to Breakfast Cookies

These sweet potato recipes deliver on taste and nutrition thanks to the root vegetables amazing antioxidant powers that include vitamins A, C, along with essential minerals like manganese.

Andie Huber
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A List of Starchy Vegetables and Foods

Starches are complex carbohydrates that produce vital energy when your body converts them to glucose during digestion. The starches in peas, corn, whole grains and potatoes provide fuel for your muscles, brain and other vital organs.

Anne Tourney
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Allergies to Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshade vegetables are a group of vegetables containing about 85 genera and over 2,000 various species. The most commonly known nightshade vegetables include potatoes, peppers and tomatoes. An allergic reaction to nightshade vegetables is considered uncommon, according to Medline Plus.

Diane Marks
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10 Vegetable Recipes That Taste Like Treats

Veggies as treats? You bet! Here are 10 delecteble recipes loaded with the nutritional value of vegetalbes but that sound incredibly indulgent.

Sarah Pflugradt, MS, RDN
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10 Tricks to Save Money and Waste Less of Your Fresh Fruits and Veggies

You return from the grocery store with bags full of fresh fruit and vegetables and you pat yourself on the back for a job well done. The good intentions are there but then reality sets in.

Lisa Chiu
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The 18 Most Nutritious Vegetables

We all know that vegetables are good for us. But are you aware that each veggie has something special to offer?

Diana Charkalis
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How to Eat Gourds

Gourds are a staple in autumnal centerpieces on dinner tables, while their cousins like pumpkins and melons more often make it to the dinner plate. Many gourds are best left to fall crafts, but a few are edible and flexible enough to be used in a variety of dishes.

Kathryn Walsh
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Can Old Vegetables Make You Sick?

Whether you bring vegetables home from the store or harvest them from your garden, proper storage is a key factor in retaining their freshness and quality.

Carol Luther
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How to Cook Vegetables in an Electric Smoker

An electric smoker uses low temperatures to slow-cook food and give it a smoky flavor. Most smokers contain a pan of water for moist heat, although you can also buy a dry smoker. Both types work for vegetables. Smokers are often used to slow-cook meat, but you can also cook vegetables in your electric smoker.

Shelley Frost
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How to Thaw, Cook & Refreeze Vegetables

Frozen vegetables are an easy way to include more nutrient-rich foods in your diet. They are convenient, have a long shelf life and cook quickly. Frozen vegetables are often picked at the peak of ripeness and flash frozen, to preserve nutrients and prevent spoiling.

Andrea Cespedes
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How to Cook Arugula

With its spicy, bold taste, raw arugula is often added to salads to punch up the flavor, but the leafy green can also be eaten cooked. Sautéed or steamed, cooked arugula delivers an impressive dose of vitamins A and K, contains no fat and is very low in calories.

Sara Ipatenco
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Which Gives You More Energy, Meat or Vegetables?

You might count calories as part of a weight-loss diet without fully understanding what a calorie is and how it works. A calorie is a unit of energy. It takes 1 "large calorie" to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of pure water by 1 degree Celsius. Food calories are measured in large calories.

Alli Rainey
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