One Gram of Carbohydrates Has How Many Calories?

Carbohydrates and protein provide 4 calories of energy per gram, while there are 9 calories per gram of fat. Choose healthy carbs, such as fruits and vegetables.

Aubrey Bailey
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How Much Sugar Should a Toddler Eat Per Day?

A study out of Canada in June 2010 found that half of the food products targeted toward babies and toddlers contain too much sugar. This study categorized an over-abundance of sugar as having at least 20 percent of its total calories from sugar.

Paula Martinac
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Will One Night of Binging Make Me Gain Weight?

You've been disciplined and focused when it comes to your eating plan -- sticking to the calorie recommendations and resisting treats.

Andrea Cespedes
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How Much Can You Lose on a 700-Calorie Diet?

While there’s no question that consuming just 700 calories a day will promote weight loss, the amount of weight you’d lose in a week depends on how many calories your body requires to maintain itself.

Meg Campbell
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Calories Burned Standing Vs. Sitting

The simple act of standing instead of sitting may help you burn 20 to 50 more calories per hour, depending on your size.

Andrea Cespedes
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How Many Calories Do You Burn Lying Down?

The rate at which you burn calories while lying down is extremely low, but through specific exercises, it's possible to boost your basal metabolic rate to elevate the number of calories you burn during rest.

William McCoy
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1,500-Calorie Diet for Men

Diets containing 1,500 calories per day are considered weight-loss diets for the majority of men. But depending on how active you are, you may need more.

Erin Coleman, R.D., L.D.
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How Many Calories are in a Can of Kidney Beans?

Learn more about the nutritional information in a can of kidney beans - a high protein bean that is also a source of carbohydrates.

Laura Michele Oliver
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How to Convince Your Body That It Needs Less Food

If you’re looking to get fit but are finding your hunger out-weighs your resolve, here are ten genius ways to eat fewer calories and trick your body into feeling satisfied.

Jennifer Cassetta
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Pilates: Calories Burned Per Hour

Pilates class can burn some calories, but exactly how many is hard to say. It depends on your size and intensity level.

Andrea Cespedes
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12 Holiday Feast Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight

Love this time of year but dreading the holiday weight gain? You're not alone. Fear of residual weight gain dampens the mood for many health-conscious individuals throughout the season. And it’s with good reason! On average, we consume 4,500 calories at a holiday gathering, according to the Calorie Control Council.

August McLaughlin
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How Many Calories Should a Man Eat While Trying to Lose Weight?

Although general calorie recommendations exist for weight loss, the specific number of calories a man needs to safely and effectively lose weight is highly individualized. Men often need more calories than women during weight loss.

Erin Coleman, R.D., L.D.
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