Nutrition of Bleached vs. Unbleached Flour

Whether you are using flour to bake bread and cookies or using it as a coating for your favorite fried chicken, the variations in flour contribute to a variety of nutritional values.

Deborah Lundin
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Nutritional Information on Masa Flour vs. Whole Corn

Masa is a type of corn flour used to make the dough for tamales and empanadas. It is made by soaking the whole corn kernel in a calcium-rich lime water, which helps remove the outer skin, then drying and grounding the remainder.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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Can Moldy Bread Make You Sick or Give You a Headache?

Food that develops visible mold needs to thrown away to avoid food-borne illness. If you eat moldy bread, you may develop food poisoning and a headache. Food poisoning will make you feel sick to your stomach, causing diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

Diane Marks
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Flatbread Vs. Wheat Bread

Grains are essential in a healthy diet -- ChooseMyPlate guidelines released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend 6 to 8 ounces daily for men and 5 to 6 ounces for women. Flatbread and wheat bread both contribute toward these intake goals.

Sylvie Tremblay, MSc
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Health Risk of Eating Flour

Simply put, flours are finely ground grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables or legumes. While some flours, such as soy, oat and almond, provide valuable amounts of nutrients, the process used to create refined flour can remove the most nutritious parts of the plant.

August McLaughlin
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Cornstarch Vs. Flour Thickener

There are several starch-based thickeners available to cooks and bakers, including arrowroot, potato starch, rice starch, tapioca, cornstarch and flour. The latter two are the most widely used in America, and both are versatile thickeners.

Fred Decker
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Healthy Alternatives to Bread Crumbs in Recipes

Bread crumbs provide a crispy coating for baked chicken and fish and they bind ingredients together in meatballs. But packaged bread crumbs often contain high levels of corn syrup and sodium as well as potential allergens, such as wheat and sunflower seeds.

Ann Conway
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How to Know If Wheat Flour Has Gone Bad

Part of what makes whole wheat flour nutritious also makes it difficult to store. Within this whole grain product is wheat germ, which contains a healthy but perishable oil that time, temperature and exposure to air will eventually cause to become rancid.

Jackie Lohrey
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How to Soften a Stale Baguette

A crusty baguette tastes best when eaten within a few hours of baking and goes stale quite quickly due to its small size. In addition to a lack of flavor, stale baguettes becomes rock hard and difficult to chew due to a process called retrogradation.

Amelia Allonsy
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Indigestion From Yeast Bread

Indigestion can include feelings of bloating, gas, nausea, heartburn and other gastric distress after eating certain foods.

Cindy Hill
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What Is the Difference Between Baking Flour & Plain Flour?

Choosing a flour for your favorite recipe can be confusing. Different types of baking flour, such as cake flour, pastry flour, bread flour and self-rising flour, each have distinct qualities that can vary performance in the kitchen.

Gord Kerr
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What Is a Good Substitute for Bread on a Diet?

The average American eats about 53 pounds of bread annually, according to Southern Utah University, and many supermarkets offer 50 or more types for purchase. At the same time, bread is one of the fastest-digesting – or highest glycemic – foods, which means you’ll be hungry again soon after eating.

Paula Martinac
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