Signs of Dopamine Deficiency

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which is an important chemical substance found in the brain, according to MedlinePlus. Dopamine is responsible for the body’s voluntary movements including sleep, appetite, attention and working memory.

Helen Nnama
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What Triggers Dopamine?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that aids in several aspects of brain function. These areas include motor function and mood, and possibly the best-known role dopamine plays relates to your perceived happiness.

Jonathan Croswell
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Cranial Nerves That Affect the Eye

“LR 6, SO 4, 3” is one of the many expressions that medical students across the country memorize, for it represents three of the cranial nerves and the eye muscles that they affect. There are actually 12 cranial nerves; three of them stimulate the eye muscles, while three others affect the eye in other ways.

Ruth Coleman
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What Are the Effects of a Brain Hemorrhage?

Hemorrhage means "to bleed." Trauma or disease can cause cerebral blood vessels to rupture and hemorrhage.

Patricia Nevins, RN, MSN
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How Do I Decrease Dopamine Levels?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical in your brain that regulates things like emotion, behavior, alertness and impulsivity. The University of Texas College of Pharmacy describes dopamine as being similar to adrenaline.

Shannon Hyland-Tassava
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How to Treat Dopamine Deficiency

Dopamine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that controls movement, emotional responses, pleasure, pain and motivation. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps to ensure that the brain works properly with your body. Therefore, creating a balance of dopamine is essential to your mental and physical health.

Shemiah Williams
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Activities for Enhancing the Right Brain

The human brain is physically separated into two cerebral hemispheres. These hemispheres collaborate in cognitive functioning. For example, the brain's left side controls speech while its right side interprets language.

Rae Casto
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Why Can Exercise Make You Irritable?

You've probably heard that exercise can have a positive effect on your mood. Exercise can help stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the "feel-good hormones" that supposedly give you a feeling of elation after you've finished sweating it out.

Kay Ireland
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How to Increase Oxygen to Your Brain With Exercise

Your brain requires oxygen to function, and oxygen reaches your brain via blood. Regular exercise may increase your supply of "tiny blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to the region of the brain responsible for thought," notes the Harvard Medical School, and the Franklin Institute adds that walking "

Gryphon Adams
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How To Improve Your Right Brain

Most people would love to be more creative. You may feel that you have an untapped talent or creative ability but you're not sure what it is. The right hemisphere of your brain is considered to be your creative center.

Ashley Miller
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How Does Exercise Help the Brain?

The human brain benefits from both physical and mental exercise. Physical exercise helps the brain by improving circulation and memory, and balance, coordination and reflexes are all improved with exercise.

Karen S. Garvin
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Advantages of the Right Brain

The right and left sides of our brains control different functions. The concepts discussed in this article are true for most people, but the brains of some people will be different than these general findings.

J. Lucy Boyd
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